11. Irationality and loyalty

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There will be violence with in this chapter near the end.



Kei is shown the way forward and keiji's out for blood.


Kei arrived at the train station. He truly felt out of place. Myaji and Hiroshima were on opposite sides of the country. He walked out of the train station and glanced around. He remembers hearing about it. Hiroshima was a lot like myaji though they did have a big city centre that was like a down scaled version of Tokyo. But unlike the more northern parts of Japan , they have more western Ideals so ideals and culture isnt forced here.

It's essentially modern japan.

He flagged down a taxi and showed him the address. He watched the town carefully as it passed by the houses looked more modern than traditional . The houses weren't as fully painted as myaji. There was bright yellows and greens he even passed a red house. The taller building had intricate designs on the side of it.

Hiroshima seemed more green above all else. There were beautiful parks and a community garden.The building the taxi parked infront of seemed new. Could be maybe 12 or so floors. He sighed.he handed the driver the money he had and walked up to the building.

He pushed open the glass door . The foyer appeared bare . The left wall was filled with post boxes. Opposite it was a desk the with an alpha behind the desk he appeared to be the security guard by his uniform . He walked up to the desk hesitantly. He didn't want to get lost .

"excuse me?" Kei hated how small he felt. But he didn't feel like himself so what ever. The alpha stood up when he saw the omega. He was about a head shorter than him ,dark hair cut short. His eyes were grey. It reminded him of keiji's but keiji's eyes had more blue in. He was a bit darker than kei but then again everyone was darker that kei's sickly pale skin.

"Yes uh I mean how can I help you I mea-" he sounded so nervous kei couldnt help but giggle at him he reminded him of tadashi when he was nervous .he stared at kei in awe and kei couldnt stop the bit of pink that spread over his cheeks.

"Sorry."kei mumbled looking away.

"No it's fine uhh you needed something?" he rubbed the back of his head nervously .

He pulled out the key ,it had a small plastic bag on it that red tag with the numbers 309. "I was wondering if you could tell me,what floor this is on?" He showed thim the key.

"O uhmm it's on the third floor you see the first number on the key is the floor number." Kei nodded. "Thank you" kei bowed abit before walking away. "uhh my names kagame Ryo"

kei glanced back at him . He bit his lip. He smiled at him. Nodding before stepping into the elevator he jabbed the 3. The door closed .shitty elevator music accompanied his numb mind.

he made it to the 3rd floor. He walked down the long hallway counting the gold packs on the pale white doors. He stopped infront of the door that red 309.

He opened the door and he toed off his shoes in the genkan. His exhausted. 9 hour train ride took it out of him. He walked around the room admiring the space.hard wood floors a large custard yellow sofa and 2 black recliners infront of a large TV. A glass coffee table in the centre. There was a large glass sliding door. White brown black printed curtains pulled open it seemed there was a small balcony there.

Fractured glass (Kuroo×Tsuki)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum