16. His return

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In which Tetsuro finds outof keis return and keiji's secrets.


Four years.

It’s been four years since Kei left.

Since his seen him. 

Gold eyes still haunt his dreams. 

He misses him so so much.

He still sees flashes of thier memories shared in his dreams. Memories of them Before all the drama. Of happy kei. 

A loud bang startled him awake he sat up trying to wipe all the sleep from His eyes. The first thing he registered was the body that just threw himself on his bed,and a the fluffy brown haired man it belonged. 

And like a chain reaction there was suddenly more than just the one body ,once his eyes were focused his was now painfully aware of the 2 omega were  on his bed. Oikawa sat with his back leaning on the wall legs over him running through Channels looking for something.,atsumu was laid on his stomach laying over the bottom of his bed.watching oikawa channel jump.

“ok what the fuck are you doing here?”he growled when he glanced at the time seeing it's only after 11.

“Tori-chan said he had something important to tell you" atsumu answered without sparing the alpha a glance.

“If he has something important to tell me  why are you here"he growled trying to kick the omega off.

“Because he has something important to tell you duh.” Atsumu snorted like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Where is Tori?” he grumbled when the male wouldn't budge he only counted two Omegas in the room and it's the two on his bed.

“Right here" the red haired male walked in with a bowl of cereal. “Toru move up a bit”oikawa scooted up and the red haired sat crossed leg there. 

Tetsuro grumbled when they nearly stepped on his leg. Apparently this was a community establishment. 

“BOKUUN HIS STARTING!!” atsumu shouted and the alpha came running in. he sat on the chair close to the bed. “Really Bo" he raised a brow at the alpha who was just as giddy.

“Sssshhhhh"  he hissed and.tetsu looked appalled.

Keiji walked in right after and leaned on his dresser. “AKAASHI NOT YOU TOO"  tetsu was completely taken aback. What ever this is has keiji in on it aswell. 

“I’m curious” he shrugged amused.

Tetsu groaned he looked at the red haired male “is that my cereal?” he noticed bowl satori was holding. 

 “yes being a good friend is hard work” he sighed dramatically. 

“Who said you a good friend.” tetsu grumbled.

“O but my story will change your mind" he said with a sing songy voice.

“So you going to tell me this elusive important story.” he raised a brow.

“O yeah yeah ,so you know Toshi is marrying freckles-kun right?” he said happily.

“Yes?” everyone knew the alpha was getting married he announced it a while ago.

“And I’m Toshi's bestest friend -"satori said giddily 

“A terrible decision really" atsumu snorted shutting down his happy demeanor.  The omega knocked him on the forehead with his spoon and  gave him a playful glare before continuing.

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