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In which tetsu goes through his midlife crisis and keiji reveals a part of his past.


Tetsu was at the end if his rope.

His mind was a complete mess and so was his life.

He finally has kei in every way.

Kei loves him and he loves kei .

They could have been happy.

He would of moved in with kei.

Marked him .

Married him.

And then his family would have no right to interfere. 

But now theres a problem. The child grace is carrying. He knows it’s highly unlikely that the child is his. But unlikely doesn’t mean impossible. 

After kei left and he tried to drown himself. He had to admit to himself he has a problem and had to go for  counseling. The whole thing was a blur. He only remembered a few things the other alpha said. 

 “You have a god complex. You subconsciously believe you above others and that you perfect.” 

“I don’t hav-"he denied.

You don’t need to admit it ,its not your fault it’s the way your family groomed you to be. Your father has one. It’s obvious by the way he looks down on everyone. You act as if you above every one else." 

“That’s a shitty problem to have." He growled.

"It’s not your only one though." 

“Theres more?”his brows furrowed.

"Yes You have abandonment issues. You afraid to be alone. You’d rather be dead then admit you were wrong that everyone ‘hates' you because of your own choices.You only fear your father because you’ve grown dependent on him.  You’ve grown dependent on being told what you should do. You afraid of making your own decisions. So youd rather live In his shadow where you safe then lead your own path. You crave other peoples affection because you cant love yourself. You won’t do anything that could.probably discourage others from worshiping you. You believe you don’t exist if they don’t see you. That’s why you didn’t confront the omega you lost ,why you didn’t discourage Grace’s advances. “

“Do you believe I’m a toxic person?" He asked carefully.

“I believe you got everything you ever wanted and more. You developed this perfect son persona so your father would love you . You acted like he wanted you too.and since you never got checked on it you kept doing it. “

“You didn’t answer my question. “ he grumbled. 

No I don't think you a toxic person. You have toxic habits.”

“can I change?”he asked hesitantly. 

You’ve already changed Tetsuro, you came to me , you admitted your mistakes, your sins and you’ve admitted you not perfect. The first step to dismantle a god complex is to admit you not God.”

He was put on anti depressants strong ones.they basically messed up his rutt schedule.  The last time he had a rutt was 4 months ago.  So that would make grace four months pregnant if it was his. 

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