2.Small joys

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This takes place in thier third year ,Tsukishima and the others are turning 18 this year and bokuto ,akaashi and kuroo are in university or college.

I also added a bit more details to the overall omega science to make it seem abit more realistic??



In which he finds happiness for a small while


Kei hated waking up after his heat. Not because he had to clean up after. 9 days of consecutive mating.


Because he knew he would be alone.

His heart ached .

He reached around the bed .

He couldn't help it.

He still had hope that maybe.

Just maybe his hands will find the warmth he craved. But alas it was cold where the alpha once laid.

All thoughts of relaxation was over at that point. He couldn't lie to himself anymore. The alpha was gone. His time was over.

He forced himself to open his eyes. He took a deep shaky breath. He should be used to this by now. The loneliness. He sometimes envied other omega. That woke up after a heat with and alpha by their side rather than the painful clench of his heart.

It wasn't his to have. He couldn't move on from him. He loved Tetsu . With his whole heart. He wanted to wake up in his warm embrace after a heat. He wanted to cling to the alpha until it came time for him to leave.

Those weren't things he was allowed. Those were things for his mate. For the alpha female with long red hair and beautiful features. He didn't hate her. No one could hate her. She was perfect. Bubbly personality with a pretty face.

Every one either wanted to fuck her or be her.

Kei wanted to be her. But he couldn't. He was just kei.

Tsukishima kei.

A low class omega.

Tetsuro's rutt toy.

His heart clenched again . He wiped away the tears that dripped down his cheeks. Before taking another shaky breath.

He forced his body up. The sooner he got this done the sooner he could breath again.

Keis body ached. He saw his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Hickeys littered the expanse of chest and neck area. The broad leather collar that kept him from being accidentally marked was still intact. Red hand prints covered his waist and thighs.

He looked away . He couldn't look at himself like that.

So used.

He told himself he didn't care. That it was ok because it was tetsu. He turned away from the mirror and undid his collar limping over and climbed in the shower. He turned on the water. He didn't care that the water was freezing cold. He grabbed the scent neutralizing soap that was there.

He scrubbed.

He scrubbed away all of it.

The fluids.

The scent.

His scent.

He's shame.

He scrubbed it all away.atleast he tried to no matter how hard he scrubbed be didn't feel better the omegan part of him didn't understand. He wasn't allowed to wear his scent. He wasn't his alpha.

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