23. Domestic

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In which kei sees the relationship that solidified in a matter of a day


To say Kei was surprised was an understatement. From the very start his noticed his son’s behaviour. Hiro that was wary of everyone had willingly went with an alpha he met that morning for the first time. He even allowed said alpha to scent him as a means to calm himself down.

He asked suga about it privately after that,being a teacher his good with kids. He explained that children thay age are impressionable and running on instinct. To some extent hiro knows who he is by his pheromones.  Since the only pheromones that can manipulate him is his fathers and mothers. So essentially hiro is drawn to tetsu because of his pheromones.  And kei is sure that tetsu is drawn to him on pure instinct.  So essentially they would become close instinctually.  

Kei saw it the very first time hiro laughed at the alpha and got tossed up. It was like the alpha was running on auto pilot . He wasnt thinking he just acted. He played with hiro effortlessly like it was natural. Kei smiled. 

It is natural

Letting Tetsu back in his life was his leap of faith. He didn’t need tetsu but that didn’t mean hiro didn’t. Kei wanted his son to atleast have a relationship with his father .even if it was a small. 

Kei cant deny that the alphas advances and attention towards him made him feel good. Of cource it would. Because Tetsu looked only at him. the alpha insisted on spending as much time as possible with either him or his son or both. 

But Kei is a coward.

He enjoyed the advances the alpha made at him but he never exclusively agreed to allow courting. He told himself hiro needed a  father he didn’t need a mate. He needed to lie to himself.

Because if he didn’t he’d have to open his heart again. 

He didn’t stay long at the party after shiratorizawa alumni arrived because when hiro woke up he threw up everything he ate because he was dizzy. Kei left with hiro .tetsu insisted on taking them home.  and recruited Keiji as well. So he had to give in. Akiteru sent him a message saying he’d pick up the car later.  Tetsu drove them back he came up with them and waited while kei washed hiro and changed him into his Pajamas. 

Once hiro was clean and dressed he had tetsu play with him a bit while he made tea.he louded it onto a small tray with medication ,a first aide kit in his hand and a bit of honey. When he got back to the living room he was surprised to see they had built a pillow forte .

They had moved the couches around so it made up the walls of the forte. A bed sheet took up the entire roof. The coach cusions were laying on the floor to make it comfortable. When he got there hiro and tetsu was in the middle of arranging the floor.hiro’s face albeit still flush looked happy.  

The forte looked bare and kei smiled. “theres extra pillows aand fluffy blankets in the hallway closet. They perked up at the prospect. Tetsu picked up hiro and they went to raid the hallway closet. Kei sat down on one of the turned chairs he wasn’t supposed to see because apparently its a surprise. 

He forgot the main reason tetsu and hiro got along.  Tetsu was essentially a large child himself.

When they were done kei couldn’t help but giggle. Hiro looked so proud of himself and so did Tetsu. “mommy come we going to watch the bee movie.” Hiro urged happily. 

“not yet baby medicine first”  the child pouted and whined. One thing his son hated was medication of any  kind.  He looked at tetsu for help but the alpha got up and picked him up and he carried the pouty child to the kitchen. Tetsu sat down with a upset hiro in his lap.

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