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In which thier emotions were laid out bare.


After he broke down he went for a walk. He doesn’t really know where he was walking too but he just walked. He needed to get away from them . It all felt suffocating. He needed to be somewhere his mind wasnt fogging over. He was drowning again. 

And he needed to make it stop before it was too late.

Before he slipped up again.

It was dark outside when he stopped.he was sat in a park far from where he lived .  He just sat there in the dark .

Staring ahead in to the dark. 

His mind was blank.


His mind was racing .

He just received a message from Keiji. Tetsu was drunk and emotional and they cant find him. He says he might of broken him. He was frantic tell him that he might of pushed him too far with keiji helping 

Kei was a mess. 

You cant avoid him. 

Him actively avoiding him is hurting both of them and confusing his son. His mind is a mess and he cant be around Hiro when his like that.he felt suffocated.  He grabbed his coat ,his son looked at him concerned. Kei crouched down. “mommy just needs some fresh air ok baby, I’ll be back soon.” The child nodded sadly before walking back to the coach where his uncle looked at him sadly. 

Akiteru nodded at him and he walked out. The sight of his son like that hurts. But he needs this.

Mommy cant break infront of you.

He left the building phone and keys tucked in his pocket. He walked about a block before he saw it. The street was empty and dimly lit by street lights.

On the park bench sat a familiar silhouette. He would recognize that hair any where and if he wasn’t sure the wind sent the soft smell of juniper towards him. He turned around ready to walk away but he stopped.

You cant keep running from him. 

You hurting him.

He turned back he chuckled darkly at himself. Of course you can live with him hurting you but not with you hurting him.

He took a deep breath .  And walked toward the park bench and sat next to the male softly.

He looked like his been through hell.

Dark circles under his eyes.

His tan skin looked paler.  

His eyes looked empty as it stared off in the distance.

He looks so fragile. 

I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so vulnerable .He didnt like it.  His Tetsu wasnt this vulnerable. He bit his lip

He was never his Tetsu..

He took a deep breath calming himself he had to say something. Something that could make this painful sight atleast slightly less. Painful. He opted to attempt to lighten the mood. “You look like shit"

The male flinched at the sudden voice. But didn’t look at him ,he kept his eyes forward staring off into the night air.the way the wind was set up it blew tetsus pheromones towards him so tetsu probably didnt smell him coming, that is assuming ofcourse he remembers what he smells like.

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