8. Contentment

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In which Tetsu has an announcement and akaashi is up dated.


Getting up the next day had him smiling. Kei slept later than he usually does. Instead of his 10 am usual he woken up at 12. He actually hummed as he went to shower. The party started at 2 its more of a late lunch affair. Of course there’s a massive party tonight but kei wouldn’t be going to that. 

Akiteru was coming tonight he'd be gone on Monday . His hours were a bit iffy so he had to go back a day sooner so he wants to spend as much time with the older as possible.  Because it might be a while till it happened again.  And since it’s a high school/college party alcohol will be present and he had no intention of drinking and Koutaro being the bad example his known for being would most likely force him.

He showered quickly . Suga was picking him and tadashi up at quarter past 1 He wrapped the soft white towel around him and he crossed the hallway humming softly. He closed his bedroom door behind him. He stopped in front of his closet. His brows furrowed.  He couldn’t wear anything too tight that he would stand out. He wasn’t that far along but it was still noticeable. 

He pulled on a pair of stretchy  black ripped Jean’s and a pair of black and white Vans. He stared at his closet for something to where that was loose.  Kei saw the perfect T-shirt. A new red Band T-shirt his brother got for him.  It was long sleeved so kei rolled up the sleeves loosely. He smiled at his reflection in the mirror.

Yachi once told him he dressed like a goth in normal clothes. He didn’t see a problem with it. He loved his band T-shirts because he loved music. It was one of the first things akiteru influenced in his life. Metal music. Sure Kei listen to modern pop or rap but he liked his metal as well. Besides the dark colors make his pale skin stand out. 

He decided to finish the look with a gold chocker he brushed his hair back and adjusted his glasses. He heard a hooter in front of his door. He grabbed his phone and head set.

He never went anywhere without it. 

Sometimes people got too much.

It reassured him that he had a small escape.

Kei didn’t feel the need to take a bag instead he grabbed his brothers jacket . It was expensive,  a gift from his friend. It was larger on him. Kei was tall but akiteru was more muscular. So it hung loose. Kei liked it ,it matched his aesthetic. 

He shoved his phone, wallet and keys into his pocket he made sure to grab the small envelop he placed it into the inside pocket of the jacket. Before leaving his room he stopped in the pantry looking for something to eat on the way. He can’t let his baby starve.

He walked out of the house with a large bag of chips and a water bottle. He could sense the tension when he got into the passenger seat. He greeted both of them and they greeted backless enthusiastic.  He shrugged it off.

The drive was awkward especially when they pulled up at the hinata household. Hinata jumped into the back seat with Tadashi happily. Kei was munching on his chips vaguely aware of the conversation going on around him.

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