31. Late night Promises

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in which tetesu gets a reality check.

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The room was dark when he opened his eyes. He squinted abit glancing at the window to try and figure out the time. His blinds were closed so he couldn’t say.  He felt movement on the bed and looked up. He could vaguely make out a figure his brows furrowed. 

“Where you going?” He mumbled. 

“I’m hungry"  was a low grumble he got in return. 

“I’m coming too.” Tetsu shifted the small weight on his arm lightly putting him down carefully. He whined abit but didn’t wake up. Tetsu placed a kiss on his forehead before standing up. Tetsu met kei in the hall way.he looked breathtaking in the dim lights of the hallway.

Messy blonde hair .

Slightly pink cheeks. 

He leaned down and kissed kei. Kei squeaked at the sudden action.The kiss itself was brief but he still enjoyed it. He snaked his arm around his narrow waist. When he pulled away he lifted the omega causing the omega to squeak again.  Tetsu chuckled kei’s legs wrapped around the alphas hips. 

“What’s gotten into you?”  kei giggled.

Tetsu smiled at him “I just missed you and this is the first time in a while I have you all to myself.” Kei smiled down at him .

“Well could you miss me from the kitchen I’m hungry.”Kei grumbled and tetsu chuckled. He wrapped his arms around kei's waist tighter to secure him before walking down the hall dark hallway.

He stubbed his toe and grumbled and kei giggled. Tetsu shushed him . They finally made it to the kitchen. The kitchen wasn’t completely dark there was one light on not lighting up the kitchen completely but enough to see. Koutaro and him had a habit of midnight snaking without the lights on and after almost burning down the house and nearly loosing a toe they decided to just have dim lights in the hallway and kitchen.

Tetsu placed kei on the kitchen island stealing a kiss from the omega who giggled before walking of to the fridge. 

“Ahh shit" he hissed.

“What’s wrong?” kei glanced at him.

“kou forgot to go to the store so theres almost nothing here.” He whined.

“Then what is there?”kei asked curiously. 

“Hmm theres some eggs and mostly vegetables and stuff ,o and 2 fruit cups but the bad ones.” he spat the last part out.

“And the freezer?”kei enquired 

“You a genius” tetsu opened the freezer . “we have a few patties hmm but it seems complicated and boring to just fry them.”

“Why not just chop em up and make scrambled eggs with em.” Tetsu looked over his shoulder at the blonde and grinned

“What would I do with out you” kei giggled he took out the patties and popped them in the microwave to defrost abit.

“Probably starve “kei shot back playfully

He smiled  and moved so he placed himself between kei's legs placing his palms on the counter. Kei leaned in . There was barely any space between them Tetsu stared into keis eyes.  . “yeah probably.” he breathed against keis lips

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