02|time to fit in

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When my alarm woke me up this morning I just wanted to die.

I hated the thought of going to school this morning. Im in a new state, surely I should be happy about going to school. But im not and it's only my second day, can't get much worse than this.

I climb out of bed and head straight for the shower. Once I got out I blow dried my hair and straighten it. I put on some blue jeans and a black sweatshirt that I tuck into my jeans. I do my makeup lightly and straighten out my room

I head downstairs to see mum drinking some water. "Morning." I say and she looks up at me. "Hiya Sweetheart." She says putting her glass in the sink.

"I've got to go work. I'll pick some groceries up on the way home. I also wrote my number down on a piece of paper, put it in your phone and text me so I have yours." She says and rummages through her bag.

She pulls out her purse and hands me some dollar bills. "Get something on the way to school." She says putting them on the islands. "Mum, I've got my own money." I say and she raises an eyebrow at me. "Nevermind." I say picking up the dollar bills and putting them in my back pocket.

She kissed my forehead and rushes to the door. "Have a good day!" She calls before heading out the door.

I drink some water and grab my bag and make sure everything was okay before heading to the coffee store I went to yesterday.

I got the exact same thing I did yesterday and sat in my car to eat and drink. My phone is boring with the same social media apps that my mother has already banned me from till we know for sure.

When I got to school I went straight to my locker. "Hey, you. Ready for Chemistry?" Lily asks and I groan. "Not really." I say and she smiles and links arms with me.

"I'm so glad your in my Chemistry class, there are a bunch of weirdo's in there. I don't think I could've dealt much longer on my own." Lily says making me laugh.

At lunch time I walked with Tom and Kyle to the cafeteria. I sat down next to Lily and Kyle sits down beside me.

Ethan puts his arm around Lily's shoulders and kisses her cheek. "Do you want anything whilst I go to get something to eat." Kyle asks and I turn to him. "A sandwich or something will be okay." I say and go to get money from my back pocket when he stops me. "I've got it." He says and walks off.

"I think Kyle has something for you." Lily says and I roll my eyes playfully. "He's just a friend, he really is lovely." I say making everyone cringe. "What?" I ask confused.

"You just friend zoned him. That's hilarious. I love this girl already." Maddie says and I look at her confused.

"Hey what do you guys have next?" Kyle asks sitting back down and handing me my food which I thank him for.

"English." The majority of us say. I don't recognise anyone from my class except for Kyle. "Oh yeah." Kyle says.

After eating our food we say our goodbye. Kyle and I say goodbye before heading to English.

"What have you got after?" Kyle asks as we get to the doors to our English class. "History, you?" I ask and he sighs. "Chemistry." He says and I smile at him sympathetically before finding the empty table I sat at yesterday.

About ten minutes into the lesson, I was making notes when the door opened. "Mr Parker I'm glad you can join us, go take your seat." Our English teacher says.

I look up to see the boy I bumped into yesterday who was now whispering to the teacher and glaring in my direction. As he made his way to me whilst glaring I put my head down and continued to make notes.

The chair beside me scraped against the floor, squealing as it did. I cringe at the noise then look up to see the boy sitting down.

"What are you looking at?" He asks and I roll my eyes and turn back to my work.

About half way through the lesson the teacher was teaching a bunch of stuff I'd already learnt so I didn't make any notes.

When I went to answer the questions the boy beside me elbowed me, which resulted in me drawing a line across my page. I roll my eyes and he just laughs.

He continues to do it till I look up at him. "Do you mind?" I ask and he just shrugs.

I sigh and turn back to my work when he does again I just put my pen down on the desk and look up at him. "Can you please stop?" I ask and he  shrugs again.

"Wait a minute." He says and I look up at him holding the urge to roll my eyes. "You're the girl who barged into me yesterday." He says and I shake my head no.

"I didn't barge into you, I just didn't see you when I stepped back. You swore at me! And I tried to apologise." I say and he scoffs.

"Are you new or something?" He asks and I roll my eyes again. "Obviously." I say and he rolls his eyes this time.

"Well no it fucking isn't." He says and I roll my eyes. "How isn't it? You'd obviously know if I'd sat by you before." I say and he roll his eyes.

"Your attitude is appalling." He says and I scoff. "You think so?" I ask bitterly.

"Where are you from?" He asks as I pick up my pen. "California." I say whilst continuing on with the work. "Gathers." He says and I look at him confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask and he scoffs. "That you're a stuck up little brat." He says and I choose to just ignore him.

"Knew it." He mutters.

"Mr Parker, Miss Johnson is there something you'd like to share with the class?" He asks and everyone turns to look at our table in the back corner of the classroom. "No." I say and he sighs and carries on with the lesson.

"What are you looking at?" I ask the girl and boy sat in front of us. They turn back around and for the rest of the lesson I just ignored Alex's glares.

After class I made it out of the door when I was gently pulled by Kyle. "Are you alright?" He asks and I nod. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask as he walks me to my locker to get my stuff for my last lesson. "Alex." He says and I just scoff. "He's just an ass." I say and he agrees with me.

I say goodbye to him before heading to History where Lily already was. I seemed to have pretty much the same lessons as Lily most of the time.

Once I got home this evening I headed up to my room to get into comfier clothes.

After putting on an oversized t-shirt and some shorts I decided to go through my box labelled 'School'.

It had a bunch of my textbooks and notebooks from my old school that had all my notes in. I also found my pencil case which I took out to put in my bag.

Mom was back earlier this evening then she was yesterday. She also came back with groceries, like she said. I helped her unpack them and then sat at the island we spoke about our days whilst she cooked.

After dinner I cleaned away the dishes whilst mom drank some wine. "So this weekend, we can go buy some extra stuff for the house. All three of us can, you, me and Josh." She says and I nod smiling.

"Oh I noticed your room was kind of empty, did you see that the furniture from the room you chose was moved to the room Josh now has." She says and I look at her confused. I remember the room being cluttered, that's why I didn't choose it.

"Yeah, I don't know why they did it. But the furniture from both our rooms was moved into Josh's." She says and I nod. "I'll sort that out tomorrow." I say and she nods. "Make sure you do." She says.

"Do you want to watch a film with me, before going to bed?" Mom asks and I nod. I get some chocolate and then sit down beside my mom on the sofa to watch the first Maze Runner film.

Once the film was finished and I had wiped away my tears from Chuck's death I say goodnight to my mom and head into the bathroom.

I take my makeup off and then clean my face and teeth. I head back into my room and climb into bed. Not too long after that did I fall to sleep.

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