19| Boxing day

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Christmas was so much fun. I forget what it's like to spend time with my family.

Since we left LA, things have been different. It's like a constant knock in the teeth that things have changed and aren't going back to the way they used to.

After jumping out of bed, I put my fluffy socks on and head downstairs.

"Hi mom." I say when I see her sat at the island on her phone and on. "Hi sweetie." She says before typing on her phone.

Boxing day back in LA was spent with friends. We'd spend Christmas eve and Christmas with our family and then have friends over on boxing day. Christmas was the only time dad was okay and that would only be because we'd be around his mom.

Grandma died just before we moved. That's one of the reasons why we moved.

I pick at some left overs whilst I wait for my coffee. Mom just looks at me with disgust.

"What?" I ask and she shakes her head before going back to her email. She then sighs and looks up at me. "Isn't it cold? You should warm it up." She says and I pick up my coffee. "Nope I'm done for now." I say before heading back upstairs.

I climb onto my bed and watch vampire diaries whilst drinking my coffee.

At about midday Phoebe and Josh stumble into my room. "You're not ready yet?" Phoebe asks and I shake my head no. "You might wanna get ready. Mom says we're gonna have guests over." Josh says and I roll my eyes.

"What are you watching?" Phoebe asks curiously. "Vampire Diaries." I say pointing to my laptop screen. I've watched this show far too many times.

Phoebe glances at the screen. "Oo." She squeals and sits beside me. "I love this episode." She says clapping her hands together.

"Come on it's the ball episode. The aesthetic is everything." She says and I smile at put my head on her shoulder as I watch the show.

At about 2pm, I head into the bathroom and have a shower.

Once I get out of the shower I get dressed into a beige jumper and a black skirt overalls. I put on some black tights and then put some red fluffy socks on top of my tights. I always have cold feet, especially in winter.

"Can I help?" Phoebe asks poking her head in my room. She already had a nice dress on, hair and makeup done. "Please?" I ask and she smiles.

She walks over to me and starts to do my hair and makeup for me.

Once we were finished I thanked Phoebe and she went to find Josh as the doorbell had rang.

I quickly make my bed and spray some perfume before heading downstairs.

"I recognize you." I heard Josh say and I look around once entering the living room. Lucy and Alex.

I meet eyes with Alex and he looks me up and down, staring a bit too long at my socks.

Mom introduces Phoebe and Josh to Alex and Lucy.

I sit down on the sofa and eventually Alex sits beside me. "India do you want one?" Phoebe asks holding her glass of wine. "I'm gonna need it." I mutter to myself and she smiles.

"Alex?" She questions and he shakes his head and holds up his keys. "I'm driving." He says and Phoebe raises an eyebrow. "One won't hurt." She says as she hands me a glass. "Probably not." He says before getting his phone out.

"Nice socks." He says and I look up from my wine glass. "Thanks." I say enthusiastically whilst looking down at my socks.

"You should invite your friend." Mom says to me and I raise an eyebrow. "The one that was here to help put the Christmas decorations up. Hunter was it?" Mom asks. "No." Me and Alex say in sync.

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