12| Phoebe's Birthday

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Why can't I breathe? God I'm in pain.

I groan and try to sit up but get weighed down. I open my eyes to Conor asleep with his head on my boob. He's so dead when Josh get's here.

What the fuck do I do? Wake him up? This feels awkward.

I sigh and close my eyes whilst thinking of a plan. "This doesn't look good." Asher says and my eyes snap open.

"Good morning India. Sleep alright?" Asher asks and I groan. "Get him off of me. He's heavy." I say and Asher laughs before slapping the back of Conor's head.

"Hey I'm comfy. Go away." Conor complains. "Really? I'm not." I say and he jumps at the sound of my voice.

"It's not what it looks like." Conor says to Asher. "I don't really care." Asher says yawning. "I don't even remember falling asleep. This was completely innocent." Conor says and Asher rolls his eyes. "I don't care." He repeats.

"Don't tell Josh and I'll do your chores round the apartment for a month." Conor says and Asher nods. "Done deal." He says and they shake on it.

Conor stands up and helps me stand up. "Your tits are seriously comfy to sleep on." Conor says and I just laugh. "Dude, you aren't helping yourself." Asher says ans Conor rolls his eyes.

"They are. Fucking best nights sleep I've had in forever." Conor says and I look between the two boys. "Im gonna." I say pointing at Josh's bedroom door.

I climb into Josh's bed and reply to Lily's million messages.

I hear wolf whistles and head to the bedroom door to see Asher and Conor whistling at Josh. Men are weird.

"Is India up?" Josh asks and I roll my eyes. "I am." I say and they all turn to me. "Put some clothes on." Josh says and pushes Conor to his room.

"Okay plan for today." Josh says coming back over to me. Phoebe is having breakfast with her friends. We're all going out for dinner later this evening. Then we're going to a party. Well me and Phoebe are. I haven't decided if I should let you come yet." Josh says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not 5 Josh, mom let's me go to parties." I say and Josh sighs. "Yeah, high school parties." He says and I roll my eyes.

"She should come. We can all watch out for her." Asher says whilst handing Josh some coffee. "See." I say to Josh.

"I need a shower." I say and Josh laughs. "No shit." He says and I glare at him. "bathroom is down the hall." Josh says and I nod and head into the bathroom.

After my shower I wrap myself in a towel and head to Josh's room.

"India!" Josh shouts making me jump. "Jesus, what?" I ask and he gestures to the boys in the living room. "Put some clothes on." He says and I roll my eyes. "Shut up." I say and head into Josh's room.

I put on some leggings and search through Josh's stuff for a hoodie, which I then put on. I french plait my hair and head into the kitchen.

"I'm starving." I complain to Josh. "Your always starving." He says and I roll my eyes. "Neglect Josh, neglect." I say and he scoffs. "Shut up." He says and I smile and jump on the counter.

"Feed me Joshua." I say and he groans. "What's up dudes?" Conor asks entering the kitchen, no shirt on. Wow he's sexy.

"I'm starving." I say and Conor gasps. "What are you doing? Why aren't you feeding her? Bully." Conor says to Josh and I just pout at Josh. "Awh look at that face, your a horrible person man." Conor says squeezing my cheeks.

I just got mommed by Josh's sexy roomate. Kill me.

"I'll feed you don't worry." Conor says and opens the fridge.

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