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"Shut up." I say to Hunter who hasn't talking. He caught me just as I came home to sort myself out.

It's late, im surprised his mom isn't blowing up his phone, especially because he has school tomorrow.

It's been 3 whole days since India's been gone and it's about to be a forth in like half an hour.

The doorbell rings and I groan. "Stay here. It's probably my mom, she probably forgot her keys again." I say and head to the door.

I walk up to the door and unlock it before opening it.

India's little frame stands there as shakes, she's not crying, she's full on sobbing and the sight makes me feel sick. Her blanket is wrapped around her and she's holding on to if for dear life.

"What happened? Where have you been?" I ask and she looks down at her feet.

"I don't want to go home and I didn't know where else to go." She says slowly and I hear Hunter come behind me.

"India?" He asks and she looks up. "Oh my God." He says and rushes forward, wrapping his arms around her.

"Are you okay? Where you kidnapped." He asks and she pulls back. "What?" She asks and he raises an eyebrow.

"You've been gone for 3 days, no note, no phone call, nothing." He says and she immediately winces. "I don't want to talk about it." She whimpers and I run a hand through my hair.

"You're going to have to. The police are involved and your family is worried sick. In fact I should probably call them." I say getting my phone out of my pocket.

"Don't." She shouts and I raise an eyebrow. "Just please let me have an hour back before I have to talk about it. Please." She begs and I sigh.

"Come on." I say leading her inside.

The three of us sit down in the living room. I'm angry. Really angry at her.

"She wants you. So I'm gonna bounce. Comfort her you dick." Hunter whispers to me. He kisses India's side of her head and leaves.

She hasn't stopped crying and it's only reduced the tiniest bit of my anger.

"Why don't you want to go home?" I ask and she shakes her head. "India if you can't talk to me, you're seriously gonna struggle when the police gives you one hell of an interrogation." I say and she scoffs and stands up.

"Will you just hold me?" She near enough shouts and I raise an eyebrow.

"You scared the hell out of me. I've been worried sick. You show up here sobbing and won't tell me why. You don't want me to call the police or your family and you won't tell me what happened." I bite and she sits down. And a sense of guilt washes over the both of us.

"I've been through hell." She says and I nod. "I believe you." I say and she sighs.

"Alex. I haven't stopped thinking about how much I want to be with you. So please just comfort me for a minute. I get your angry. But I need you right now. Please." She pleads and I give in.

I stand up and pull India up before taking her upstairs.

"Get on the bed." I say and she slowly takes of her shoes. "I don't want to have sex." She says looking at my bed. "We're not going to have sex." I say lying down on my bed.

She takes off her clothes and outs on a sweatshirt before tying her hair up. She climbs in beside me and puts her head on my chest.

We don't say anything, she just lies on my chest as I stroke her back.

"I'm sorry." She eventually whispers and I nod. "I know." I say.

"You know." I say trying to change the atmosphere. This tension is suffocating. "Your mom knew I stayed over, so all that worrying about sneaking in and out. Pointless." I say and she tilts her head up. "Really?" She asks and I nod.

She yawns and I kiss her head. "Go to sleep." I say and she nods. She moves as close to me as possible and squeezes her eyes shut and waits for sleep to over come her whilst I just watch her.

It feels relieveing to have her back in my arms and to my self. Just knowing she's safe takes the biggest weight off of my chest.

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I wake up to yelling. Literal yelling.

I climb out of bed and put my blanket down on Alex's bed before heading down to the kitchen.

"Hi." I say quietly stepping into the kitchen. Phoebe turns into Josh and begins to cry whilst my mom quickly wraps my arms around me.

She pulls back and examines me.

"What happened?" She asks and my eyes well up. I can't tell her.

"I don't want to talk about it." I say and she sighs.

"Oh you're gonna talk about it!" Josh says and I snap my head in his direction. He still had contact with dad, he has to know.

"Do you know Selfish that was!" He yells and I stiffen. "You left. Your boyfriend was worried sick. We were all worried sick. You just disappear for no reason!" He yells and I suddenly feel sick.

"How could you do that to us? To mom! She just got out of a rehab center because she couldn't put up with the stress. Now you think it's okay to run away, did you think about what she went through?" He raises his voice again and I play with the end of Alex's sweatshirt.

"I'm sorry." I mumble. And he takes a deep breath.

"I don't think you are! You could've called! Or left a note. Instead you just left!" He yells and I suddenly feel wetness run down my cheeks.

"Alright." Alex says stepping beside me. "I think she gets it." He says pulling me into his chest.

"But it isn't, don't you see that. She's 17! Not 20 she can't just go off of the grid! It's selfish and inconsiderate!" He yells and I look up at Alex.

"I said that's enough!" He yells and pulls back from me. "Go back upstairs." He demands and I nod and walk out of the kitchen.

"None of us know what happened. You cannot just attack her like that without asking for her side of the story. It's selfish and inconsiderate. She's been through hell and she needs us, she doesn't need you yelling at her." He says and I swear my heart is melting away.

This has to be what love feels like.

When Alex comes upstairs he grabs my blanket and wraps it around me. "You got fired from your job." He says moving my hair off of my face. I can't say I didn't see it coming.

"Thank you." I say and he sighs. "He shouldn't of yelled at you like that. It wasn't fair." He says and I wrap my arms around him.

I really love him.

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