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To say I felt weird would be an understatement. I woke up curled up in a ball beside Alex and he had his arm around me.

I have no clue when I suddenly became attracted to him, but it would've had to been before last night.

Alex was still asleep when I woke up. So I climbed out of bed and had a shower straight away.

I got dressed in the bathroom, I put on some blue jeans, a white crop top and a green cardigan before heading back into my room.

When I walk into my, Alex wasn't there. He couldn't be too far because his keys were still on my desk.

I sit at my desk and do my makeup whilst texting Lily and Maddie in a group chat. They want us to meet up later, with the boys.

"Oh uh, hey." Alex says walking into my room. "Hi." I say turning to him and giving him a smile. It didn't take too long for me to figure out what Alex was doing by the scent that filled up my nose. He was smoking.

"Hey, so can I use your shower?" He asks and I nod. "Sure." I say giving him the nod. "You can help yourself to Josh's stuff." I add and he nods before heading to the bathroom.

Once I finished my makeup, I make my bed and straighten out my room before going downstairs.

I make some coffee when I get a phone call from Hunter.

"Hi Johnny." He says as I answe the phone. "Hey." I reply.

"So do you have any plans today? I'm so bored and Alex won't answer his phone." He says and I nod. "I have plans this afternoon, what about Jason?" I ask and he scoffs. "Don't tell him I said this, but I really don't like him and I hate 'hanging out' with him." Hunter says and I laugh.

"So stop?" I question and he sighs. "It's not that simple." He says which is followed by a groan.

"So tell me about your kiss." Hunter says and my heart drops. I would rather Hunter not know I kissed his best mate. Time to play dumb. "What kiss?" I ask confused.

"The kiss at midnight India, the nee years kiss." He says sarcastically. Thank god. "Didn't kiss anyone." I say and he groans.

"You're killing me here India." He says as I hear Alex walk downstairs. "Why?" I ask pouring another coffee.

"Why didn't you kiss anyone?" He asks and I shrug and slide Alex his coffee as he sits down at the island. "Didn't really have anyone." I say and he chokes, literally chokes.

"John, I would kiss you anytime you asked me to." He says and I roll my eyes. "Do I need to give you the 'we're just friends' talk?" I ask and he groans. "Killing me. You've just killed me." He gasps and I laugh.

"I'm gonna swing by yours later." He says. "I've got plans." I say and I practically sense his eye roll. "Don't care. If I wanna practice Spanish, we will practice Spanish. Now, omg Alex just text me back!" He screams and me and Alex exchange looks.

"I'm gonna hang up now..." I say and he sighs. "Fine." He says and we end the call.

I continue to sip on my coffee awkwardly whilst Alex types away on his phone.

"Who do you have plans with?" Alex asks and I look up from my mug. "Well Hunter is coming over and I've got plans with my friends after that." I say and he nods.

He stands up and finishes his coffee before putting his mug in the sink. "I'll see you later." He says before heading for the front door.

This is the exact reason I've been pushing the thoughts about that kiss out of my mind.

Alex sleeps around so a kiss won't mean much to him. It's probably his way of apologising.

The doorbell rings and it's followed by a million knocks on the door. I know exactly who it is, Hunter.

"India! It's raining, hurry!" He yells and I scoff before standing up and heading for the door. I open the door and he stalks in. "You were on the porch you idiot." I say and he shrugs.

He walks past me and sits down on the sofa. I sit down with him and he smiles.

"So, who and what plans do you have?" He asks whilst looking for a movie to put on. "My friends. I think we're just going to Kyle and Maddie's house. I have no clue what we're doing. Probably drinking." I say and he nods.

"Can I come?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow. "Why?" I ask skeptically. "Because Alex is busy with Jason and I don't have anything to do." He says and I nod.

"You can come but you can't be a dick to Kyle." I say and he groans. "But it's funny." He says and I shrug. "Fine." He mutters.

Hunter stops outside of their house and turns to me. "Are you shitting me?" He asks looking at the house. "Nope, let's go." I say grabbing my umbrella and rushing out of the car.

I walk to Hunter's side of the car and he gets under the umbrella. He takes the umbrella and holds it to his height.

I ring the doorbell and Kyle opens the door. "Hey." He says smiling at me. "Hi." I say back.

He invites us in and we head to where everyone else was. We are late because Hunter was on the phone to Alex for so bloody long.

We sat in the living room and eveyone looked over to us. "So are you two together?" Maddie asks sitting beside Hunter. "No." I say and she raises an eyebrow.

"Hey you're in my english class, right?" Hunter says pointing at Ethan. "Yeah." Ethan says and Hunter nods. "Nice. And you're in Spanish with me and Johnny." Hunter says pointing to Lily who just rolls her eyes.

"You two are in my History class. Well, would you look at that." He says pointing at Ryder and Tom.

"We don't have any classes together." Hunter says to Kyle and I turn to Hunter to try and sense what he's doing. "But trust me. I know exactly who you are." Hunter says and I glare at him.

"We also don't have any classes together." Hunter says turning to Maddie. "No, we don't." She says and smiles.

Lily drags me into the kitchen were we sit at the island just sipping on some sort of vodka.

"I need advice." I say and she nods. "I kissed someone last night." I say and her eyes widen. "Was it Hunter?" She asks and I shake my head no. "Was it Kyle?" She asks and I shaks my head again.

"Who was it?" She asks and I sigh. "I can't tell you yet, I have no clue what's going on. Im thinking I shouldn't read into it and it didn't matter to him." I say and she nods.

"There's a party tomorrow, do you recon he'll be there?" She asks and I nod. "Okay, I've got a plan. A good plan. I'll be at yours tomorrow." She says quickly as Ethan and Kyle walk into the kitchen. "We're gonna watch a film." Kyle says grabbing the alcohol.

I walk back into the living room and Hunter's eyes widen at me as I sit down. He gets up and ignores Maddie as he comes to sit beside me.

"Please don't leave me with her again." He says and I chuckle. "Why not?" I ask and he groans. "She's like crazy." He says and I smile. "You're fresh meat. She'll calm down." Lily whispers across me to him.

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