Chapter 20 - The second man

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7 pm at my place,
I hope you'll come.


I couldn't stop smiling after I read his text. It was so typical of him. Simple, and yet it took my breath away. 
As the hours passed, my nervousness increased and I started to wonder why. I had been alone with him before but now it was different. We were having a date to finally figure out what was between us. 

It was slowly getting darker when I put a casual dress on and made my way to my car to drive to his place. It was crazy how clearly I could remember the way. Last time I was in his car...I couldn't control the nerves. Gosh, it felt like I was m a teenager again. 

I arrived at his place on time and pressed the doorbell. The small speaker began to buzz for a couple of minutes and just before I thought that it was broken I heard his voice:


I cleared my throat before I spoke:"Mr Cullen, it would be very kind of you if you would open the door because I am only wearing a dress and it's freezing. Why does the speaker take forever to forward me to you?"

His dark chuckles made their way to me before the doors opened and let me into the building. Quickly I walked to the elevator. When I arrived at the correct floor I got out and turned into the hallway. 

Immediately, I saw him. Dressed in casual trousers and a blue shirt he leaned on his door, waiting for me. I couldn't help but grin at the sight of him. As I reached him he took my hand and spun me around once before he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"You look breathtaking.", he murmured and I smiled shyly.

"Thank you. Now...won't you let me in?", I asked with a small smirk when he made no further moves.

"Of course, come in. Are you hungry? We could start cooking something", he answered before closing the door behind me and following me. 

I walked into the living room with the neighbouring kitchen.

"Very, what do you have in mind?"

When he didn't answer I stopped looking at the kitchen and turned around only to find him leaning against the counter staring at me.

"Alex? Is everything alright?", I asked a bit insecurely.

He seemed to snap out of his thoughts and took a few steps in my direction:
"Yes, sorry. It's's an unusual sight, seeing you in my kitchen. But I like it."

I smiled and closed the distance between us to place my hands on his chest before I let them wander up to his neck:

"I'm glad to be here. It feels...natural, right. But we should start cooking now if we want to eat before midnight, don't you think?" 

I slightly tilted my head to one side while his hands found their way to my hips. 

"You are right as always, Miss White. But first...", he replied with a husky voice before he leaned down to give me a soft kiss on the lips. I smiled into the kiss but much to my disappointment he broke the kiss after a few seconds.

I pouted and he looked down on me questioningly.

"You can't start kissing me only to stop after a second", I explained.

As a result he started grinning mischievously before he slowly approached my lips again:

"Well then, let's see what I can do about that.."


After kissing for about five more minutes, we finally stopped and smiled at each other satisfied. Then we really started cooking. We decided on making some pasta and a small salad. It was truly funny. We started talking about our lives. He told me about high school and his early college years, that his parents had sadly died in a car accident five years ago and that his sister and friends from college were now the people closest to him. 

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