/ S I X T Y - O N E \

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I made my way to the lift and pressed the button waiting for it to come.

"What the hell was that for, Gavins?" I turn my gaze slightly to see a pissed-off Olivia quickly hurrying after me.

"What was what?" I ask acting oblivious.

The lift doors open and I enter, turning around to face her then fixing my shirt as well.

"You gonna answer my question?" Olivia asks tapping her foot on the floor with crossed arms.

"You coming down?" I ask her completely ignoring her question and she glares at me.

I shrug and press the ground floor button then the button to close the lift. As the lift closes she doesn't move but at the last second she jabs a hand through the door and enters standing next to me still annoyed.

Seconds later the lift doors open and we step out. I continue my route outside the hotel building and there a car awaits in front of the doors. A man dressed in black opens the door to the car for me and I take a seat.

Mason is also seated in the car, a cigar between his two fingers blowing out smoke. He doesn't bother saying anything so I also keep quiet and just look out the windows outside.

The car ride is silent, that is until my phone rings and I know it was Alessandro.
Mason looks at me then at the ringing phone urging me to answer. Then motions for me to put him on the loudspeaker and I do.

"Gavins where are you, the boats are nearing the docks." Ale says in a rush.

"I'll be there soon, I just got caught up with some stuff." I reply.

"Ok. Well, get here fast." Is all he says and he ends the call.

"His voice has changed a lot." Mason comments and I nod my head in agreement.

"If you think his voice has changed you should see what he looks like now. Even though you say him in the car, you should see him in person." I say.

"What much of a difference is there? He dyed his blonde hair to black, oh wow what a change." Mason says sarcastically rolling his eyes.

I shake my head at his sarcasm yet we both continue the banter for the rest of the car ride.

Ten minutes later we're at the docks and even though it's very dark you can still see the movement of The Vault members moving around. A large cargo ship rests on the river where people are going in and out transporting goods from the ship to the large trucks that were parked nearby.

I make a move to get out of the car but Mason speaks and stops me.

"If this is all some trick Gavins, then you may as well consider yourself a dead man walking." Mason says stubbing out his cigar and leaving the car.

"This isn't a trick at all. I want him gone just as much as you do." I say trying to sound as believable as possible as I voiced the lie.

Mason fixes me with a look as though trying to decipher if he could trust me or not and I keep my face blank. Hopefully, I didn't give anything away.

"Alright then, go to Alessandro. I'll find somewhere to stay out of view." Mason says already walking away.

I turn my back to him and walk to where Alessandro said he would be waiting for me.

As I get closer to the ship, members of The Vault are bustling around trying to get their work done fast and I have to weave between them all to get to Alessandro who i see at the entrance of the ship.

When he sees me his eyes shift to look behind me then back to me and he raises his brow and I shake my head. He was asking if Mason was following behind.

"Took long enough." He says again not bothering with a hello.

"I wanted us to get here when everything was in motion." I respond with a shrug.

He nods his head looking out behind me before turning to the entrance of the ship. "Follow me."

I follow behind him as we enter and I look around the large wide space. Boxes and boxes were stacked upon each other filling up the place. There's was no doubt that they were either filled with weapons, drugs, organs or just documents.

"This is only about a third of what we usually bring in." Alessandro says and my brows raise in surprise.

"Only a half? Damn." I say. 

"Yeah, we've expanded a lot since England." He shrugs and I nod my head. 

"Why didn't you just bring everything at once. They'd be more impressed if they saw how much you really had." I ask as I look around. 

"Because what if something went wrong or they planned an attack?" He says giving me an obvious look. 

I grin sheepishly. " I hadn't thought of that." 

"Of course you didn't." 

"Shut up."


"I'll hit you."

"Try me." 


"That's what I thought." 

As soon as I say that I try to move away from him knowing that in saying that I'd pissed him off but I'm too late and he hits me in the back of the head.

"Ow." I say rubbing my injury.

He shrugs his shoulders. "I was just trying to cure your idiocy." 

And at that, I shake my head but he continues to show me around the place until it's time for me to head back to Mason. 

"Call me if there's anything." Alessandro calls to me as I walk back to where the car was hidden. 

"I will." 

A couple of minutes later I reach the car and enter to find Mason sitting there in the same spot again another cigar between his lips. 

"Not gonna lie, I thought this was some sort of trap but it's actually legit." Mason says as he blows out smoke. 

"I told you so." 

"You did and I'm impressed." He says and he turns his head to me giving me an attempt at a small smile and I laugh at him. 

"You really need to learn to take the edge off." I say and he rolls his eyes with a huff. 

"I was trying to be nice." He says. 

"More like trying to scare me half to death with that smile." I tease and he shakes his head. 

"Kids." He mutters shaking his head. 

"You're only 2 years older than me." I say. 

"And yet you still act like a kid..." 

And the banter continues throughout the entire car ride. 


eLLO everybody. I have now returned from the dead. I hope ye liked this chapter after the yeaarrsss of waiting. 

Slater broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos


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