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Insta Chats


Hello Jimin Sir

Park Jimin





Oh No, he is Active, ok Y/n get ready, my God I can't believe that he texted me *Jumping on the bed* Ok Ok act normal, get ready Control yourself Y/n control. No, I can't *Jumped on the bed again while laughing like an idiot*. Ok ok, I should control myself and act Normal, not like a crazy Army or Saesong. Ok so let's just text him before he goes offline.


Umm Hello Sir, I can't believe you texted me back

Park Jimin

Oh hello, I'm Jimin


I know, I'm your biggest fan, I really love your voice

Park Jimin 

Oh Thankyou so much


Thanks a lot for texting me back

Park Jimin

Even I'm happy to talk with an Army


I'm not just an Army but also your wife
Umm Thank You

*What should I text next, I should be careful with my texts and make sure that he isn't feeling uncomfortable with me, Ok Y/n calm down first, or else you will end up acting like a saesong. He has seen the message what should I do next? If I will talk a lot he will think I'm crazy, should I let go? Ugh, I don't know, Oh wait he is Typing*


Park Jimin

Umm, well what's your name? you already know mine

*Oh My God, he asked me my name, should I give him? but as I saw FFS if I gave my fake name then a story will be created. Ugh, this is real life so let's give him*


My Name is Y/n

Park Jimin

Oh Y/n, it's a nice name


Umm Thank You, Sir

Park Jimin

Okay Bye, I have to Eat

*Looks like he got bored with me, whatever I'm happy enough that he talked with me*


Hmm, Bye, Eat well, I hope we will talk again next time

*Should I have said that? No no, let me unsend it, it looks like I am desperate to talk to him*


Hmm, Bye, Eat well, I hope we will talk again next time


Park Jimin

Yeah, Sure ( ;

*wink? did he just send a wink? okay Calm down act Normal, act Normal*


Hmm okay Bye Sir
Park Jimin liked your message

*Oh My God he even liked my message, Y/n can you control yourself, Ok control control*

Park Jimin is offline now

*He is offline now, well I feel so Special after talking to him, but what if he has talked to other girls too, he must have*

I plopped on my bed, well I'm on Cloud 9 right now, PARK JIMIN talked to me, like HE talked to a GIRL LIKE ME!, I'm very happy. I don't know when I drifted to my dreamland.





I know that the Chapter is very small, but as I said in Notice the Chapters will be small as it is a text. 

I hope you all might have liked this Chapter, If you have liked this Chapter then please support it by Voting it.

For me this Chapter was Dumb I tried my level best to write it, but sorry if it was not that interesting.

Bye Y/n

PROMISE? (PJ x Y/N) Park Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now