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2 months later

Jimin Pov

I was reading our yesterday's chats, she was cute, I feel so satisfied after talking to her, I mean just she, her funny and weird yet cute talks never fails to make me smile. It has become a habit now, I message her daily no matter how tired I'm, but I don't feel satisfied unless I talk to her.

I got to know more about her in these 2 months, like about her behavior and she literally dropped every thought in here, her fights with her friends, her life, her problems, everything, and it somehow made me happy that she feels comfortable to share it with me.

We both became so close, she still did not same me her whole identity, I just know that her name is Y/n and she lives in C/N, she never shared her age, or her face and forget about her singing. Wait- she never shared her recording too, how did this even slip from my mind? I was going to text her when I hear a 'ting' sound from my phone, I took my phone and opened it to see a message from her

Hey Jimin Oppa

Hey, you okay?

Yeah, why do u ask?

Are your parents fighting again?


Don't lie to me, I know you're sad

But How?

Are you crying?


You are

How did you know?

But I knew it anyway, u said me before too that ur parents fight a lot, and u really hate it

U remember it, haha nvm leave it, it's pretty normal now. 
But how did you know that I wasn't okay? I mean I did not say by myself

Leave it, it's a secret
uk right, u can pour down ur feelings here, u need not to act strong here

I *sighs* Well my parents are deciding to take divorce

What? Like really?

And uk what? they are here not even ready to take my responsibility

I feel so heavy, so upset, am I burden to them

No, don't think like that, ur so precious

I don't think so, anw, leave it. I guess I've to learn to live by myself now, cuz this time their fight looks serious

I don't know how to comfort you, how about I call u, pick up my call ok


Park Jimin is calling you


Heyya Y/n

......Yeah hello *in a weak voice*

You cried right


It's okay, cry as much as you want, sometimes it's better to let out, you'll feel light

*starts crying* I- I don't know what I'll do now, I feel so frustrated.
I don't even know whether they'll live with each other after this fight
It's damn frustrating for me too, all they ever did for me is just gave me 
materialistic things, no parents love, I- I sometimes wanna stay away from them 
and clear my mind.

It's okay, shhh, stop crying, it's okay, life isn't easy

Yeah right, looks like when God made my life, he was like let's put many troubles altogether for her

Stop it Y/n, it's okay, there will be one day when you'll receive the happiness you deserve.

I don't think so, my parents weren't that lovey to each other nor to me
They just ignored my existence, and then I thought like it's okay Y/n you at least have BTS
but they even have a problem with that.

It's ok, shh, everything will be alright, yiy can always drop down your feeling here, I'll always listen to you, okay

Thanks a lot, Oppa, I will

Hmm okay then bye

Well wait Oppa

Hmm yeah

How did you know that I was...

it's secret honey, bye-bye, *chuckles*


Jimin Pov

Well, it's not the first time her parents are fighting, she said to me many times that her parents fight almost every day, I've comforted her many times too, I always feel so sad for her, I wanna do something for her, but I can't. And yeah I do get to know whether she's down because I've noticed that when she's normal she called me 'Mochi' but when she's sad she called me 'Jimin Oppa'. And that's how I get to know.

"Who was it? Is it that Y/n again?" Jungkook asked as I nodded, "I've never seen you talking to any Army personally in the phone that too call," He said while wiggling his eyebrows at me as I raised my eyebrows.

"She's my friend kookie," I said, "Who knows more than a friend," Taehyung said while smirking at me joining Jungkook.

"She's just like a close friend to me, she's different, at least not like those sasaengs," I said, "Oh really, you always smile like an idiot whenever you text her, her small GM makes you so happy, you feel so sad when you don't get to talk to her even for a day," Taehyung said as I blinked my eyes, were they both spying on me?

"Well..." I said, "Nothing to say right," Jungkook said as I got up and went to the washroom leaving my phone, it's not like I was avoiding the situation, I was getting washroom.....okay I was even avoiding the situation.

Jungkook Pov

"Hyung, let's check his phone," I said while turning to Taehyung, "No Kookie, it's not right, we shouldn't do it," He said as I rolled my eyes, "Just once," I said as he still shook his head in disagreement as I sighed heavily. 

"Fine," I said as I got up and took my phone, I'll figure it out somehow.

I opened my phone and opened Insta, I went to Jimin's ACC page and checked his following list, he followed 8 accounts.

The 6 were of our members, the 7th was of our Official Company account and the 8th one was a fan page.

Wait, I guess it is Y/n's account, I went to that account but got to know nothing about her, but still, I had a strong feeling that it was Y/n.

I pressed the follow button and messaged her

Insta Chats

Hey, this is Jungkook, Jimin's friend, I guess you already know me





PROMISE? (PJ x Y/N) Park Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now