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Y/n Pov

I gasped listening to the story they said, I never thought that I was kept in the dark for the past 14 years, now I understand why I used to get some blurry faces in my dreams, those faces were always blurred out, but the way they cared was what I loved.

I immediately hugged my parents, "Sorry, I'm so sorry," I said crying out in my mom's arms, "Why are you sorry dear? it wasn't your fault, we too did not have enough evidence to prove you as ours, so we too couldn't protect you from them," My mom said while patting my back.

I broke the hug and hugged my dad, "It feels so good to finally hug my daughter after 14 long years," He said as he caressed my hair softly.

"Thanks for unfolding the truth dad," I said, "Mom dad, let's report them to the police," I said.

"No, we cannot," My dad said.

"Why not? don't you want me?" I asked them, "Of course we want you back dear, but they stole all the evidence which proved that you are our daughter, including your birth certificate," My dad said defeated.

"But Dad, I'm here, I'll say them that you both are my real parents," I said.

"Dear, the law doesn't abide by emotions or feelings, law abides by the rules and regulations, it states its final decision according to the evidence it got, and right now your uncle and aunt have all those evidence," My father said as I looked down.

"That is why, we both thought of this," My dad said as I looked at them. 

"What?" I asked them

"We'll send you out of the country for some years, and search for evidence, till then you'll be staying out of the country," My mom said as I gasped.

"WHAT!" I asked not believing them, "Are you both serious?" I asked them as they both nodded.

"We are sorry Y/n-ah, but we need to do this, they can do anything for the sake of money, you'll be 18 in 2 years, and then they'll marry you with that guy," My dad said as I sighed while looking down biting my lower lip to control crying.

"It's okay sweetie, we need to send you out, it's necessary for your own good, mom and dad will search for some evidence, and then you'll come back hmm," My mom said as I tightly hugged both of them.

"I really don't wanna go, after knowing that you both are my parents I really don't wanna go, I wanna spend time with you guys, know you guys more, but-" I stopped myself from crying.

"But I need to go, why?" I sobbed as my mom pat my back.

"Just for few years sweetie, and then you'll return back," She said as I broke the hug and nodded, she placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay so let's decide fast in which country we'll send you," My mom said.

"Well give me some time for thinking about this mom," I said as she nodded.

"Can I stay here for few more hours?" I asked as they both smiled sweetly, "Don't ask, it's your house after all," She said as I smiled and went to my bedroom which was all neat till this day, the wardrobe had my childhood clothes, I smiled to myself feeling all warm which I never felt in my room at my uncle's house.

PROMISE? (PJ x Y/N) Park Jimin FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें