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The Next Day

Y/n Pov

I was in my classes when my phone beeped in,

These bitches must have sent me GM again. 

I got up and did my morning routine, and then checked my phone, 3 Insta messages, 2 from those bitches and 1 from........... PARK  JIMIN


Park Jimin


Hello Sir, how are you

Fine and you?

Totally crazy, after you sent me Hello

I'm Fine too, well what r u doing rn?

Ntg, just having a lil break after practice

Oh, then do enjoy your breaky time, I might be disturbing you

NO ✋

I mean, no you're not 🙂

Oh then, I'll continue to chat with you

😃 I'll love to chat with you

Y/n Like your message

So what are you doing rn?

Texting you and even studying🤓

Wow, looks like you're a very good student

Lol, not at all, I'm actually not interested in studies, it's just for getting a degree👩🏻‍🎓

Lol, then what do you love?

BTS!!! I love you all💜💜💜💜

Thank you, but what do you actually love

Well, I LOVE MUSIC, music is my passion,
I love it more than anything but less than BTS tho😜

Oh, so you love music?

Yup, I love music and want to make my career in it

Oh really, so you even sing?

Yeah, I do sing

Then can you sing for me now?

Umm well, I do sing, but I'm not a good singer tho😅

Well, at least send me ur recording, I would be happy an
Army singing for me

Umm well.....I'm shy 🤭

You don't need to be

Of course, I need to be, cuz you'll listen to it

Well I will share my recording one day, but not now

Hmm, it's okay, do share it when you're comfortable
Okay, well our breaky is over, ttyl😘

Okay🤭 Bye Bye, take good care of urself
Jimin Liked your message

😊 You too

Y/n liked your message

Y/n Pov

I liked his message, well what a good morning I had today, I was just staring at the last message of him and smiling like an idiot.

"Why are you smiling like that?" My mom asked, "Mom, at least knock and come in," I said, "What are you hiding from me?" my mom asked.

"N-Nothing," I said as I pretended to be the most studious person on this planet.

"Don't distract yourself when you have classes," My mom said as I nodded still pretending to study.

She went off closing the door, as I smiled like an idiot again while blushing. Aish I'll go crazy if he does such things.




To Be Continued

PROMISE? (PJ x Y/N) Park Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now