2| Blood in the house of Dimitrescu

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Chapter two

Slowly but surely your eyes began to flutter open, you began to feel again.

Pain struck you everywhere.

Your clothes were soaked from being dragged through the snow and your arms, legs and head stung from small to bigger cuts caused by being dragged over rocks and other things.

"A-agh." you slowly sat up. It hurt to breath and move. You were laying on a hard surface, the ground drenched with blood.

Metal objects and what appeared to be some sort of torturing machine could be seen close by. You turned away quick, pretending you hadn't seen such a horrid thing.

A few lit torches lied ahead, but the rest of the areas were layered in darkness.

You were in some type of underground cell, a cellar.

In the distance you could hear the sound of shoes clacking against the hard wet surfaces and keys rattling about.

They were spacious, drawn out steps. And with each step this figure seemed to get louder, closer to...you.

Low snarls were heard from the other cells of the underground.

You were not the only one there.

Sitting with your back against the wall, you frantically felt your pockets and surroundings quickly, looking for your gun.


It wasn't in your pockets nor close by.

The steps grew louder, you could hear the figure turn the corner.

You felt a sharp pain brew at the pit of your stomach as keys could be heard slapping against the damp wooden outside of your door.

The door creaked open once unlocked, and a hand masked in a black glove could be seen merging inside your cell, holding a candle lit, followed by a large black hat dipping it's way inside, lifting to reveal the person underneath.

Your eyes recognized the sight from the photos in church, but you had yet to see this lord in person until now.

Many girls in the village had left to work for her, as maidens, cooks and things of that laboring sort. It was something you were thankful you never had to do given plentiful, strange and frightening rumors. Though work within the family also kept you quite busy.

And it wasn't until you heard the fast travel of news, stories of women who quit her services, realizing why this lords salary was much higher than what was offered in the village...

The horrors and fantasies these lords indulged in, you thought, trembling as you stared at the woman.

No doubt you were in The house of Dimitrescu, and the rather large woman hovering above you was, Lord Alcina Dimitrescu's.

She was giant, twice and a head above your height.

With hands daintily together and a purse of her red lips, she waited a mere moment, as if preparing herself to view you. Then, with a lift of her chin, there you were.

Her eyes were a fiery yellow, wide and attentive to you before narrowing.

Something about her was oddly fascinating and graceful as it was terrifying, you weighed unconsciously.

Her pupils flicker from one feature to the next, your eyes...lips. She neither frowned nor smiled, only observed.

Her raven curls hung just above her shoulders, holding their delicate bounce with each turn of her head.

Resident Evil Village - Maiden x Female lords: Maidens Revenge Where stories live. Discover now