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Chapter Thirty Six

"Well then," the lady throws her cup back, sipping the last few drops of wine in her glass, "I have matters to attend to."

"This...looks like it hurts to wear." your eyes remained fixed on the strange metal outfit in the box.

"Well, you'll find out soon enough."

Your stomach stung with an aching fear.

She smiled suddenly and thoughtfully, walking to her dresser, grabbing a quellazaire and cigarette, "Speaking of wearing, I do have something more congenial for you to slip into, for regular use. On the end of the bed there."

There was a rather dark piece of clothing draped across the comforter at your feet.

You noticed before, subconsciously, but hadn't paid much attention to it.

You grabbed it, holding it to the near by embers, revealing it's rich dark-emerald color. It was slimming and victorian in style. Not quite a maids dress, you noticed, simple but elegant.

A part of you tried not to think about where this dress might've came from as well.

"Is this what your slaves wear?" you shivered inwardly at the label reminding you of the role you were now reduced to.

Though thinking back, you never seemed quite anything other than a slave under her roof.

With poise and swift movement she lit the end of her cigarette, drawing smoke through her lips and exhaling, "This is what you will wear."

You moved yourself to the edge of the large bed until you dropped, landing on your feet with a reasonable thud.

"Thank you, my lord."

Her eyes caught your morning nude body once again, looking over every curve freely, "Let me see it on you. Dress for me, just as you've undressed."

She came off commanding and intimidatingly casual.

"And do take your time."

Knowing how precise Alcina proved to be in her grace, you wanted to please her with the same gesture.

You stepped into your dress carefully, raising and fastening the rest. Each movement focused, catering to her longing gaze until you were buttoned and suited.

She nodded slow and firm, "Purely sublime. Fits you like a glove."

Quick to discard sudden intrusive thoughts, she smudged the remains of the cigarette on a near by tray, "I'm afraid I'll be far too engrossed in tedious tasks to manage a proper breakfast with my daughters. I have the last of this years shipments to fulfill and Miranda's ego to stroke."

She said the last part as if her mind so happened to blabber aloud.

"You will take care of my girls first. Start with breakfast, the bell should be rung when ready to serve as usual. When it comes to most blood, they won't hold their tongue but they won't discriminate either."

You immediately thought of the three girls and their past ravaging behavior after getting a taste of your blood. Your anxiety rose, regardless of knowing their reformed mindset.

Resident Evil Village - Maiden x Female lords: Maidens Revenge Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ