39| Chess not Checkers

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Chapter thirty nine

As days had passed since the death of, Ethan Winters, thing's seemed to be running much better compared to how they were when he was alive wandering the village for answers.

For a while, your title as "slave" remained under, Alcina's commands—but soon after the demotion and the lady's new found—tender ways—you figured the label itself was merely a test as well as a pet name given to you for the lady's own amusement.

Though now, you had almost proven yourself worthy of her trust to it's full potential.

She was eager to give it, had you let her sooner. But nonetheless, you were thankful she remained as patient as she had. Relieved even, knowing that it was not only your blood that held value to the woman, but your character.

You've submitted, and even killed for her.

Each day, you gave her a bit of your heart and she gave you more of hers in return.

Today was no different than any other, however things around the village were, slowly, but surely—changing.

Since Ethan's death, you still hadn't found the flask from the tower, nor had you heard anything further on Mother Miranda's ceremony.

Closely, you kept attentive eyes on Lady Dimitrescu's whereabouts and the things she held with her when coming and going.

None of them being a flask.

Now stepping out of the porcelain tub, you dried yourself and began to dress in the lady's en suite.

Things had been moving so notably well between you and her that she often times allowed you in her room, and other places, to do such things without much of her say.

You dug into the tightly fitted slit between your bust and dress, retrieving a photograph of your father and mother.

Earlier, you found it in the pants pocket of the clothes you wore upon your strenuous arrival to castle Dimitrescu. It turned out that Alcina had the items stored all along.

Though she kept your firearm tucked well away, you assumed. All within her good reason.

You wouldn't look for that just yet.

Where is that flask?

You pondered in thought, stroking your fathers gentle grin in the black and white image before tucking it away.

Time was surely running out, it had to be.

After witnessing enough exchanges from all lords, your gut ached with a feeling that Miranda was not as considerate to even that of the lords she called 'her children'.

In little ways, it seemed as though she were bored and very dismissive even. Though as you thought, that sounded more like motherly qualities anyway.

You wondered what this all truly meant to her, what her next strike of action might be.

Quickly you left to start the day, a deep, determined breath filling your lungs before the exhale.

Today was the day you'd get back on track.

As your feet carried you down the steps of the main hall, the humming of a joyful Cassandra filled the large room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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