22| Whining maiden

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Chapter twenty two

The pair of you had been working tirelessly for what felt like hours. Moments later, the woman had taken several opportunities to aid you in areas of cooking you seemed to have not perfected, according to her, who claimed to be some sort of skilled chef.

You allowed her criticism and adjustments, assuming she knew best regarding the fact that she serviced the lady at a time before yours began.

You thought her help kind on one hand, yet puzzling on the other as she had taken some time to acknowledge you after cunning glances and jibing of before.

The afternoon sky poured an array of colors that brought the evening.

The warm view of outside, along with a pot of boiling vegetables, brought to a simmer, left you in a familiar ease of cooking days long passed.

You remembered having made several meals for your father, though you weren't one for cooking, you recalled a sense of pride once you finished preparing a meal when it was just the two of you.

"How's the pork coming?" asked the woman as she stood in the corner across from you, massaging her fingers from a long days work.

Her eyes scanned each and every part of food, laid out, half way ready for the nights event.

You glanced in her direction with tired arms folded, leaning back across the table that centered in the middle of the room. A small smile lingered on your lips from the brief thought earlier of your past.

"It's coming along well I think." you muttered as you bent down in front of the oven, watching as the pork sizzled, leaving juices to leak from the meaty bulk.

"You think?" scoffed the woman, her feet dragged in a scurry towards the oven while she raised her frayed sleeves.

Your grin, however light, disappeared as she pulled the ovens handle, eyeing the pork before closing it quickly, preserving the temperature.

"What you think can't be good enough, you must know when it comes to cooking." she sighed.

You turned around lazily as she spoke, your eyes rolling in annoyance before looking down at the knife and bowl you had retrieved earlier for the Dimitrescu's 'French Coq au Vin'. You pursed your lips slightly as your finger tips tapped in rows of unison along the wooden counter.

No doubt, this recipe called for blood, blood you believed you would have to spill, no doubt. Not that this was anything new to you.

Unlike all the many times before, this time you were willing to please the household. And though your life counted on it, a part of you gained a hint of pleasure in doing so.

You hovered your wrist over the bowl, facing it upwards as you took ahold of the butcher knife. It was all in swift motion, no hesitation, you were used to this by now.

"Stop!" yelled the woman as she gripped your arm that held the knife.

You were thrown in shock, seeing as she had torn the blade from your fingers all too quickly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she chastised.

"You will not contaminate the coq au vin with your fluids. The mistress will not only kill you but me if this meal isn't too her liking." she whispered, her eyes had grown wide as she held a fearful clutch on the knifes handle.

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