23| And then there were four

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~ Authors notes ~

Happy Hallows Eve 🎃 hope you guys enjoy..


Chapter twenty three

Your feet dangled as you were swept through multiple halls and doors by the hands of the Dimitrescu daughters, humming with buzz as they soared with velocity.

The sense of little bug bodies crawling in your ears and in other, exposed crevices, was a feeling you still hadn't gotten used to. Even then, you fought to remind yourself that what was known as a filthy insect, appeared to be fractions of what gave two girls the ability to form and function.

You thought then-eyes shut tight and your mouth clenched so as flies couldn't reach your internal-about the scene that had just taken place in the kitchen, just a few seconds ago.

There was little to no time to react to Ingrids abrupt, outburst. You could envision yourself, how you were just moments ago, faced away, your body and expression clamped with tension as the blade neared closer and closer to your flesh. With every bone in your frame, you were sure it was brisk enough to hit you, but it hadn't.

Cassandra and Daniela, for the first time, were your safeguard. And like any kind act done to you by another, it stuck to you.

As far as Ingrid herself, in all of what was left of the girl, you had decided then that you did not like the woman, not one bit. Were you to show it?

That may be an important question.

You still knew little about her. Then again, perhaps she was nothing more than the unfixable remains of the trauma she experienced under the roof of Dimitrescu. A woman, frenzied, unable to break a demented cycle.

You were soon let down, and unveiled from the dark mass of critters, only to discover that you were in a room you hadn't come across before.

"You haven't seen my room, have you? Y/n?" hummed Daniela as she began to stride over to her bed, draping gentle fingers across her bed post and duvet to display with pride.

Your eyes followed her movements, only to soon scan the rest of the room out of curiosity.

The desk and wall-sitting shelf, decorated with scores of books-suggested that the room had once been an area of work. Stray items sat by the door, and down the hall-passed the two rugs-was a bed, followed by a large window. On a small shelf above the bed were a few dolls, assembled in rags and pins. The surrounding portraits of the girls and Alcina, made the space a bit more homely to one of a young girl.

"It isn't as beautiful as Bela's room, I wanted hers. But...it will do, as mother says." mewled Daniela with disappointment.

You came close to a portrait of Lady Dimitrescu, a detailed painting that hung beside the bed. It had to have been done during one of her years prior to the genetic work Mother Miranda had preformed on her. A large hat sat on her raven locks even then, followed by an eggshell blue, victorian gown to match. Her outfit of choice, elegant and no doubt, the style of those times. Her smile, modest and conservative. One could say she hadn't changed a bit, aside from the obvious, physical differences.

"Does mother captivate you?" Daniela teased over your shoulder.

You turned around in a sharp snap at the comment, only to come to an inch of contact with a doll who's eyes bulged from it's gray toned, porcelain skin. An eerie little thing as it had cracks, snags and looked somewhat, unfinished.

Resident Evil Village - Maiden x Female lords: Maidens Revenge Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon