4| The Lady's first taste

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Chapter four

When you woke up, the pain you felt from before was intense. It was almost as if you hadn't taken the morphine. Your body was sore all over.

It was quite dim in the room. While your eyes came over their blurred vision, you noticed the fire pit from before and the same smell of iron, which had to be blood. Although your body felt too heavy to move, you shifted your arm, and as you did you heard the sound of metal shifting along with the movement you made.

Iron cuffs were tightly fitted around your wrists. Oddly enough they seemed perfect for female hands.

You scanned your arms and feet until it became clear you were chained to the very bed you laid on.

Thick chains were attached to the cuffs and seemed to be coming from the ground through the floor and through a second headboard that was on the bed, it looked almost as if the room was built this way, for more than one purpose.

"Ah, so you're awake now?" asked a calm voice from behind the crimson canopy. Your neck nearly snapped when looking towards the sudden sound, being unaware of the fact someone had been standing there.

Your hand extended, reaching to move the canopy away only to see Lady Dimitrescu facing the fireplace, her fingers tapping against the mantle. "I see you've found my...medicine compartment." said the tall woman as she held the empty bottle of morphine in the air, examining it. "Explains why you were completely out of it. And I'm not one for blood when it's tainted." she mumbled.

You were sweating from the thick fabric of the bed and canopy surrounding you, the fire didn't help your bodily temperature either.

You thought of how to escape your situation knowing tugging at chains couldn't be good right now, it would probably only make the mistress Dimitrescu angry.

The large lady turned to face you, her eyes sharp and narrow while they scanned your appearance once more. "I dragged you up here for a feast, nothing more. Then I hear my daughters having a brawl  amongst themselves and for what? A common village girl?!" scoffed the lady.

"You steal my belongings and cause a disturbance in my home THEN have the nerve to threaten me and my family?" laughed the woman, her rouge smile quickly fading into a frown, "I shall bring you to a fitting death."

Within an instant, what seemed like claws, sprung from the lady's fingers as she strode over to where you laid, intent in every step.

You panicked and attempted to sit up, not knowing what to do. Either way, fight or flight was the only response now and you chose to fight, "Do you know why they fought?!" you yelled, attempting to stop the woman from hurting you. Your voice shook, you couldn't hold in the sudden bites of fear, it was only natural, but you tried.

To your surprise Lady Dimitrescu paused her movements, though her claws were still extended. The woman laughed wholeheartedly. "I can hear the horror in your voice, child."

She then leaned over, her face hovering over yours. "Of course I heard. Apparently liquid gold runs through your veins." she hummed, "But don't you worry, I'll soon have a taste once your insides are nicely dismantled."

"Maybe you could grant me one wish before you kill me?" you asked before raising your chin, you wanted to look less anxious than you already were.

You were in so much pain over the women in the households actions, not to mention Heisenbergs too. You were also carrying pain and anger over your fathers death still and it carried on into your actions and words. In your eyes all of the lords were apart of this massacre and would not be forgiven.

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