16| Realignment

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Chapter sixteen

You hurried through the halls quickly, making sure not to make any sudden sounds that would alert anyone in your direction. Once you got to your mistresses room, you ran inside, shutting the doors quick and quietly.

You panted, closing your eyes, hoping you've gone unnoticed before walking over to your mistresses bed. You sat like you were before, on the edge with your hands in your lap.

A few minutes had passed until you heard footsteps approaching the door. The double doors began to open, revealing your mistress. She held an old piece of paper in her hand.

"Ah, I see you're still here. How pleasing." she sighed with a small smile.

"Something has come up. Me and Mother Miranda will conduct further business in one of the guest rooms. You will make me and the priestess some hors d'oeuvres." said the tall giantess as she handed you the paper.

You took it, opening the fragile thing to reveal a map of the castle. "Keep this with you, it will help you know where to go from now on. We'll be in room five." said the lady as she made her way over to her drawer.

You couldn't help but think, remembering how Lady Dimitrescu refused to tell you where to go when you first arrived, now she gave you a tool. As you looked at the map, you noticed a portion of it was ripped off, on the side, but you ignored it for now. You looked closer, seeing "room 5".

"It's no secret...," muttered Lady Dimitrescu in thought before glancing away, "Heisenberg and his muck for brains."

You removed your eyes from the map, looking at the lady immediately, her words caught you off guard.

"Is something wrong?" You asked quietly.

You thought back to downstairs when Mother Miranda mentioned Heisenberg telling her all about his meeting with Lady Dimitrescu. Apparently he has a loose mouth.

The lady chuckled in frustration, "He's a man, but what did I expect?"

Lady Dimitrescu then removed a key from between her bosoms, unlocking her top drawer. She removed a small golden flask with an engraved pattern. She then stuffed it and the key in her chest.

You watched as she did this but looked away as soon as she turned around and inhaled deeply, shifting in your tightly fitted dress, "Any recommendations for the appetizers?" you asked.

The lady adjusted the chest area of her dress, "Well....you. Or shall I save you for dessert?" asked Lady Dimitrescu with a small grin, her eyes were sharp and firm while they stared into yours. Your eyes widened.

"What?" you said quietly, you assumed she would cut into you like before.

The giantess then smiled widely, releasing a hearty laugh with her hand over her stomach, "My, you should see the look on your little face." she chuckled before throwing her head back in an amused manner.

You tried to laugh along with her, but it came out as a cough. Alcina looked at you and raised her brow, "Coming down with something?" asked the tall mistress. "Oh, no. Just something in my throat is all." you replied.

"Really..." hummed the lady as she strode towards the door, "Then why are you flushed?"

You looked away, inhaling deeply. "I'm not." you groaned.

Though, you were unaware of how you said what you said until you caught the lady's face, glaring in your direction.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to lash out." you said before looking down.

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