19| Testing waters

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Chapter nineteen

Though you had only just woken up, the recollection of last night spent with your lord, hit you instantly, you were stifling in the ears. You hadn't noticed yourself, sprung up in the early morning, heart thumping in your chest as if you had just awakened from a nightmare.

Your eyes grew wide as you noticed yourself spinning out of unusual control of emotions and pestering thoughts.

'Was it smart to resist her?'

'Should I resist next time? God...will there be a next time?'

'What if I can't help but push her away again? She makes me so nervous. What if she kills me over this?'

'She wouldn't, right? She said she wants us to be...like a family. Maybe she's lying..'

'What if she forgot about last night?'

"Relax y/n, breath." You whispered to yourself, inhaling deep, steading your breaths of panic.

Not only did you have to face the lot of abnormally, powerful beings in the village that day-but you would have to deal with the erratic countess after last nights events that left you thoroughly embarrassed.

You sought out the last memory the two of you shared in Lady Dimitrescu's suite. You recalled the lady's aching urge to do the very same thing she chastised Cassandra for nearly doing.

The attempt of relishing your forbidden fruit and it's reoccurring juices, which were bodily fluids far more illicit than what a woman would give from sexual release.

The thought of the blood thirsty mistress having her way with your genitals during your unconsciousness was then a worry brought to your attention. You removed your newly placed, wool blankets from off of you to look underneath your uniform and inside your undergarments. Nothing felt or seemed out of place. The frayed cloth which kept you from leakage, remained intact still, which gave you some relief, but not much. However, you did observe the heavy menstrual leakage that seeped through and on to your bedding, you would have to cleanse everything immediately, you thought.

Last nights ordeal left you considering if you should confront your mistress on her actions. And as much as you believed it would awaken a newfound displeasure against you, your stubbornness and conflicting emotions got the better of you. That morning you couldn't be persuaded into other thinking.

You lifted yourself off of the thin mattress, the bed creaking with every movement made. With haste, you stripped the soiled linen from the mattress as well as your undergarment, balling it up and tossing it in the farthest corner in the room. You ended up taring apart one over the oversized uniforms in the closet, fitting it tightly around and underneath you, several times thicker than before to conceal your flow thoroughly.

Beside the compact window on the other side of the room, sat a miniature mirror, fractured and cracked. You stood in front of it, observing the girl that stared back through the shattered glass.

You brushed your fingers over your flesh, seeing as you stood, wan and light in your complexion. You prodded a stitched wound that stretched across the bridge of your nose and cheek, another on your collar bone and chest. The areas were agitated and inflated with puss on the inside. While turning over  your arm, you caught sight of your veins jutting from your skin.

Your image frightened you.

You knew for a fact you hadn't looked this sickly since your distant, childhood memory of catching severe pneumonia.

You were beginning to release a light, foul stench from the lack of bathing as well. Not to mention the state of your hair, matting and grease packed. You were too busy surviving that you hadn't noticed your body image, nor your over-privileged lord's lack of providing you with much resources to bathe. It was always, "Freshen up." She'd tell you. And there you went, making adjustments by hand, never to touch the lady's items.

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