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Chapter twenty

Silence masked the room whilst the two of you stood in the spacious and emptiness of the main hall. Your fingers forefront and preoccupied with each other. You struggled to find a breaking silence with your words while your lips parted to a degree, now itching to speak.

You remained heavily inquisitive on the events of last night. Such a strange and entrapping moment shared with the lady of the house, you thought furthermore.

You couldn't help but wonder if it were now an appropriate time to speak. Surely the mistress would have her hands full in use throughout the day, leaving less and less room for any such conversation as she prepared for this major event. The sudden inclination to blurt out your question on last nights affair struck you like a gnawing pang in your stomach.

As you overthought, heart battering in dismay, Lady Dimitrescu happened to be diverted, toiling with only a few pieces of dossiers from her recent summit in the study. From her cerise lips, hummed an eerie tune. Some sort of aged lullaby, you presumed.

It seemed as though regardless of your mishap in spurning your lady's advances towards your blood yesterday, she kept her formality nonetheless, as well as her sly wit. Her mouth remained upturned in subtle elation. Perhaps this ball was also an aid in her high spirits.

You allowed your eyes to fasten shut, balling your juddering hands into fists. They fell firmly on each side of you in readiness. As you stood, the daring girl you were-as well as a now sexually unnerved one-came to a firm decision. In that very moment is where you would tread lightly, while also attempting to keep the woman you truly were, present when necessary.

And with that, you decided to speak.

'I have to ask her, it's bothering me too much.'

At last, Alcina snapped out of her noted immersion,  inhaling entirely before she spoke "Now, you must listen-"

"I really do apologize, my lady. But I must ask since it's been bothering me," you cut in.

The noble woman's lips tugged into a scowling shrivel, her piercing, yellow eyes appearing broad, displaying shock before temper.

"I do not remember how we...left things last night. I must've fallen unconscious from lack blood again, right?"

With a mouth now slowly unfurling from it's clenched and furious state, Alcina raised a steady brow of curiosity, her eyes sitting low. To your ample surprise, she seemed less angered by your inquiry. However, her brow kept hoisted still along with her subtle glower, as if she were cautioning you on your proceeding choice of words.

"Why yes, in fact you did." answered the giantess, thoughtfully. Her highlighted optics caught sight of your chest, where lied your hammering heart, pulsating out of control with tension.

"Your springing heart beat is rather thick, I sense it rippling throughout the room...among other things." she retorted coolly, "Well what is it? On with it child."

Your quick eyes caught the cunning-though very minor-grin she seemed to be suppressing.

You then hastened a firm study on your lord. You were a bit taken back by her forward utterance. Her statement on your hearts condition made you question just how much of those animalistic tendencies resided in the spiteful, yet, oddly generous being who carried such a natural form of elegance, still.

'No way she can feel my heart beat.'

'Among other things' Your mind reiterated her words, you fought an unsettling scoff-like chuckle from transpiring out of your nose.

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