26| The ball

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Chapter twenty six

The pair of you walked in silence as you approached the stairs leading down to the main hall. Alcina turned her head to catch your view in the corner of her eye.

"Be respectful...and remember my instructions." she whispered sternly.

Her warm, veiny hand squeezed yours gently before letting go. As you watched her lead, you noticed something odd almost instantly. There was complete silence throughout the house.

As Alcina walked the downward steps, you stopped, peering slightly over the mahogany railing to see, Mother Miranda, standing in the heart of the main room. With her was, Karl Heisenberg, Salvatore Moreau and Donna Beneviento, and an odd looking doll that seemed to be alive and moving.

They stood along the walls in muteness. You felt your heart skip at the sudden weight of being in the same room as all the lords, having heard and seen the power each of them possessed.

Something tells me this won't be anything like a ball... you thought with nervousness. 

"And here I was beginning to believe you all wouldn't show." chuckled Lady Dimitrescu drily.

"I hear you are making my favorite meal, I likes that very much." blubbered Moreau with a gleeful chortle. His irritated puss pockets throbbed underneath his cloak.

Your eyes narrowed as you examined him from a distance. He, was one of the lords you hadn't seen in person. You remembered others in the village mentioning receiving aid from him when falling ill. The Moreau family were physician's, handling the care of the villagers. Salvatore became the last standing in the doctoral practice, though his work lacked compared to previous members of his family. At the cusp of the village's turmoil and the reign of Mother Miranda, the village had lost direct contact to Salvatore. Since then he was known to serve Mother Miranda in private, though his use remained a mystery to most since Miranda claimed and later proved to be a more developed healer and doctor for the people. Nonetheless, his image was kept in house's of prayer, standing as nothing more than a display, validating his status in the village.

Alcina's lip twitched into a forged smile as she stared uncomfortably at the fish-man, "Splendid..." she replied.

Your eyes flickered towards the dark mass that formed beside Alcina, soon configuring into her three daughters. They stood in a perfect line behind their mother, hands behind their backs formally.

"Danny!" squealed Angie, the doll. She extended her porcelain arms, sprinting from Donna's arms, towards Daniela with a high pitched giggle.

What the hell?!

"Come here you." laughed Daniela as she scooped Angie in her arms.

Bela chuckled while Cassandra rolled her eyes, watching as Daniela and Angie mumbled words amongst each other, giggling occasionally.

Your eyes followed back to Donna Beneviento. You believed besides Miranda, she was one of the biggest mysteries of all. Veiled in black, successfully keeping her life hidden from the masses. She was mystifying.

You remembered your fathers explanation.

"Her kin made toys, dolls, that's all I know. Heard the family committed suicide, leaving her to raise herself. And one could only imagine how someone grows up in a house full of darkness like that, all alone? You go crazy! And that's what Donna is, poor girl...she's ill in the head, completely demented with a personality like a skittish child. It's strange. Miranda expects us to see the woman and her families legacy as royalty." your father scoffed, "That I never will."

Resident Evil Village - Maiden x Female lords: Maidens Revenge जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें