13| Greed at breakfast

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Chapter thirteen

After the strange merchant left, you immediately brought out the necessary items and other utensils to make the recipe.

The ingredients required seemed well and normal until you saw the amount of blood needed for the meal. The sight made you wince in pain where your ovaries were. "Two cups of blood?!" you read in shock.

You felt a sudden pang in your sides and rubbed your hips gently, surely your time of the month was soon to start.

You balled the front bottom of your dress upwards, checking inside your undergarments. You saw some light spotting of blood, nothing drastic yet. You found some old rags lying about and wrapped them around your groin area before dressing back up. You washed before continuing to cook.

While placing things here and there, you found notes left by what seemed to be other maidens who were now long gone.

Apparently you weren't the only one who displeased the mistress and her daughters. It looked as though disappointing the bunch was unavoidable, but unlike the former maidens, you were still alive. You wondered why.

Although you could not find any knifes or other sharp objects for that matter, you broke off a piece of glass from a broken window near by and inhaled deeply, you knew what had to be done.

You closed your eyes before cutting the palm of your hand, you winced in pain, letting the blood pour into a porcelain cup you found. You added the rest of the ingredients, stirring and mixing, trying not to gag off the smell. Throughout the process, you became weak from the lack of blood, but managed to finish the dish even then.

You made a rather large batch for the hungry women of the house, putting a few black cherries on their plates for a little verity.

To your surprise, the lady wrung the bell and summoned for you later than you expected, "Y/n....our meal." called the lady in the other room, her tone of voice was rather eerie. She was clearly upset.

Your neck snapped in the direction of the long narrow hall that led to the dining room. The lady's voice triggered chills down your spine, you had no idea what to except going in.

You managed to rip a thin, long piece of cloth off the cotton you found from earlier, wrapping it around your thigh, slipping the shard of glass carefully between your thigh and into the piece of fabric.

You set three plates of the blood infused food on to the platter before walking down the hall, to the door.

Once you reached the door, you stopped in front of it, trying your best to wake yourself out of your mental fog from losing blood during cooking, you needed to be alert if anything. Your senses came to you as you entered the room carefully.

As you entered, you saw Lady Dimitrescu sitting at the very end of the long table, her three daughters stood behind her instead of sitting down. The sight sent a sharp pain of anxiety running through your stomach while you made your way over to her.

The mistress and her daughters kept silent as they eyed you, their eyes following you with ease like a vulture stalking their prey.

The lady's mouth twitched with anger and her gloved hands fluctuated into fists on the table. Sounds of the dulled boots you've been wearing since you were snatched, along with the lady's gloves, was all that was heard throughout the room.

As you came closer, your mistress inhaled deeply. You sat the tray down, a few feet away from the large woman, then you began distributing the meals.

"This little brat attempted to escape girls. After everything we've done to make her feel at home," said Lady Dimitrescu as she watched you.

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