10| A door opened

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Chapter ten

One could say you slept, too peacefully. You heard a repetitive voice in the background of your slumber and began to toss and turn.

"Y/n!" shouted Alcina Dimitrescu. You shot up, looking around the room rapidly.

The lady herself was by the door, slipping her black gloves on to her fingers, "It's morning, time to wake.

There's a new uniform hanging on the back of the chair there, try it on." she said as she watched you. The look in her eyes seemed different, she appeared slightly more patient than before.

You scanned your surroundings, looking down to see you weren't cuffed anymore. You looked over at your mistresses side of the bed, seeing that the pillows and duvet were tampered with. She must've slept beside you last night, that is if she slept at all. You hadn't remembered a pull in gravity from her side of the bed through the night.

You swung your legs over the bed and stood while holding your breasts. You paused at the feel of something you didn't recognize, a strange, hard, string like texture on your flesh.

You ran your fingers under your breast and felt the bullet wound you got from when Heisenberg sent the bullet into you. It was stitched closed and so were your other wounds that were open before, even the gash on your face. Other areas like your cheek and collarbone had bandages. You felt ten times better than you did yesterday, and even several days before. Your wounds were still there but the pain disappeared.

You looked back at the lady, "Is..the bullet out?" you asked, running your fingers over your wound.

You remember her telling you not to speak unless spoken to, but you wondered if she would allow the question.

She glanced back at you from focusing on her glove and inhaled deeply, "Took a bit of work, but yes."

She sighed before looking back into your eyes. You looked away when she did, "Thank you." you said quietly. The tall woman kept silent.

You then walked over to the chair in the middle of the room, grabbing the uniform with one hand as the other covered your chest. It was the same style as the dress you had on before, except instead of being mostly black, it was a deep, dark, crimson red.

"You will try it on in front of me. I want to know how well the Duke did with my requests." she looked elsewhere, her eyes idly scanning items in the room as if trying to occupy herself.

Your eyes shot up to her as she walked towards you, standing a few feet away. Because she helped your pain and left you alone for the night, you decided not to talk back or cause a problem.

"Yes ma'am." you said gently before you turned around for privacy.

Lady Dimitrescu raised her brow as you did, her nose fairly high in the air. You zipped the dress in the back, stepping into it and fitting it on along with the half apron.

It was a beautiful dress, however it was still snug and tightly fitted like the last. You turned around to face her, "It's still too tight." you said as you looked up at her with slightly furrowed brows.

The corner of her lips curved into a small smile when she saw you in the dress. "Nonsense, I believe the dress is more than perfect for you. It reveals the color of your veins quite nicely." she said, moving her eyes from your breasts to your face again.

You stood, feeling violated. But apparently it was the norm now in the house of Dimitrescu.

You kept quiet, looking away, trying to keep from showing your flushed face and aggravation.

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