28| Play one of my little games

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Anxiety. Pure anxiety is what you felt now being in the opera hall—a smaller venue compared to the spacious dining room and it's long mahogany table. It left room between seating, so at least there you felt somewhat to your own space.

But not so much here.

In this room there were scattered, but separate seating. However, you weren't allowed to sit so far away.

There were also two sofas, both big enough for three, a piano, and well ample room in the middle; for those who may fancy a dance or two.

It wasn't just the room itself that left you restive. In a nervy sweat, you sat on one of the three seated couches, with Donna Beneviento at the near end.

On the other couch in front of you, sat Lady Dimitrescu, who despite her obvious ill state, was quite attentive and concentrated in her muttering conversation with Mother Miranda who sat close beside her.

You watched, thinking of how your mistress appeared awfully a lot like yourself whenever showing your submission in the face of Lady Dimitrescu, who was your lord to serve.

"That is not how you start, mother taught me this way," Bela proceeded to extend her arms outward on her sides, attempting grace before performing a short and simple curtsy.

"Who cares? I would rather dance my way, like this!" giggled Daniela before gleefully taking the hand of Bela, spinning her around with force.

Bela and Daniela twirled, dancing around the room as a classical tune hummed from the phonograph.

Your chin sat slumped in your palm as you watched with anxiety plaguing you still. You leaned as close as you could in their direction. If possible, you thought it better to be anywhere near farther than you were from the other lords in the room.

If only you had it your way, you'd make a hasty exit.

And quicker than I was trying to escape last time..

But just before you had all ventured into the room, Lady Dimitrescu snuck you strict orders to stay close and not frolic around with the others, as they were now. At that you would obey, regardless of not knowing why you weren't allowed to have your fun like the others.

"I wanna spin, I wanna spin! Won't you pick me up please?" whimpered Angie in Cassandra's direction, her little hands reached for her eagerly.

"Why don't you just latch on to Daniela? Like you always do." shuddered Cassandra, tilting away with unease. She was never quite found of dolls, nonetheless ones alive.

Angie balled her fists, charging after Cassandra in a fit, "Spin me, spin me now!" she growled.

Cassandra laughed manically, bursting into a cluster of bugs that swarmed in a playful escape from the crazed toy.

"Why must you all be so fucking loud!" bawled Heisenberg through his teeth. He released a large exhale, tampering with a few artifacts that sat on a mantel-shelf behind the Lady and Mother Miranda.

You watched his finger tilt the tip of a small item back and forth while he idly looked about the room.

And while Cassandra flew from here to there—forcing a gust of wind your way each time—your thumb stuck your chin as you kept glowering sights on Karl.

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