3| Human sample

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Chapter three

You froze, now looking at Cassandra and Daniela who now took on a more serious expression after their sisters response. Both girls looked in your direction.

"Don't you dare.." you said quietly. You were becoming even more weak over the morphine you injected, you took in too much.

Daniela giggled while Cassandra gripped your neck firmly. "Oh shut up you play thing." she chuckled as her face was now an inch from yours. Her saliva began to trickle from her mouth and on to your fathers clothes you wore.

The abnormally strong grip she held on your neck made it hard for you to breath so you gripped her wrist, trying to pull her off but you couldn't.

You felt tugging at your shirt, and looked down, seeing Daniela lifting the bottom hemming until the bullet wound under your breast was exposed. "I found an entrance!" sung Daniela before her mouth then closed over your bullet wound.

You groaned loudly, shifting and thrashing as much as you could, but they were holding you still.

Daniela's tongue swirled over your wound, soon prodding at the puffy, puss filled pocket that began to break and bleed more than before as she did.

Cassandra had her tongue on your neck, keeping her firm grip as her teeth grazed your skin. Though your neck was cut, she wanted a fresh nibble so she bit into your flesh.

"Move!" you shouted, feeling your liquids being drained out of you. The pressure was uncomfortable, but because of the drug you took, the pain was bearable.

Bela stood, a sinister grin played across her face as she watched her sisters suck you like leeches upon your cold and bruised flesh.

You kept your eyes towards the ceiling, your thinking now becoming blurred and your limbs weakening.

The morphine provided some euphoria and because of it, the feel of their tongues and lips hungrily prodding and slithering against your sensitive flesh began to arouse you even more than it probably should've.

"Stop!" shouted Bela, "Not too much or mother will notice." she said in panic. She reached to pull both sisters away, but while pulling, Cassandra gripped your throat, slamming your back against the desk. "Your blood can't be human!" she choked, she hadn't swallowed all the blood in her mouth yet.

"Why is your blood so good? Is this why mother wants you?" she asked, licking her lips.

"Oh I'm never sucking another rotten souls flesh again now that we've got this one!" laughed Daniela with glee.

"Her taste is heavenly...even too much so," Bela muttered while gripping your face. "It's too divine...definitely not fit for just...mother." chuckled Cassandra, biting her lips to hold her new craving. "I want another bite I can't take it!" cried Daniela.

There was a brief silence of the three until suddenly..

"I'll take her." Bela spoke quickly before she grabbed your arm, tugging you towards her.

"I found her first you greedy bitch she will be my play thing!" yelled Cassandra, grabbing your other arm and pulling.

"I tasted first it's only fair she's my pet!" Bela barked back. "You think that's not fair?! I should have her I never get anything to myself!" fussed Daniela.

"Well she can not only belong to any of you, or mother!" said Cassandra.

Suddenly the bedroom door began to open, and a black hat emerged from behind it. The Lady herself.

"Oh?" questioned Lady Dimitrescu in shock, "And here I was planning to share her amongst my daughters." she growled under her breath as she walked closer. The three daughters stood frightened.

At this point your head began to spin from the morphine, causing you to suddenly smile lazily at the four of them. Lady Dimitrescu raised a brow as she saw your face, causing the others to look at you as well.

"I will k-kill all of you..." you chuckled while beginning to slide to the floor. "I-I'll...." your words slurred.

The four women began to laugh whole heartedly at your words and the three girls dropped you.

"My my you're quite vexatious, never a good quality in a young woman." scorned Lady Dimitrescu.

Once falling to the floor, you felt completely out of it. Eventually you were dragged once again before passing out from the morphine intake.

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