14| Like a family

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Chapter fourteen

You felt you could no longer bare the pain of their mouths, biting and nibbling on to your flesh.

You felt Cassandra's tongue move upwards, her hands gripping at your undergarment in attempt to pull it off. You kicked your legs, closing your thighs as tight as you could while screaming. "Stop!" You shrieked.

"Why would I? I had no idea your blood was so much more sweeter down here." panted Cassandra in blood lust.

Bela and Daniela lifted their heads at their sisters words, "Let me taste!" they yelled in unison.

Their words made you light headed, it was clear you had no control over what was about to happen.

"That's it!" boomed a deep voice from outside the room.

It was no doubt the noblewoman herself. The sound of her quick feet and voice approaching made the three girls stop what they were doing immediately, "Hide!" Bela whispered in a tone loud enough for the room.

They disappeared into flies, clearing the air. You sat up immediately, trembling in pain. You had no time to hide yourself, and even if you could, you were too shaken by what was about to happen to move as quick as you would've liked to. 

Suddenly, the door slammed open, hitting the wall behind it and out of it emerged the lady, her eyes red with anger as she spotted you. However, when she saw you, her expression changed immediately.

She furrowed her brows and began to look concerned, "What is going on? Where are my daughters?" she questioned while scanning you.

Tears fell from your eyes which were red from crying. Your dress only covered one of your legs now, leaving the other side to be lifted up to your thigh. Your undergarment was torn and down to your ankles with deep stains of fresh blood and your neck bled on both sides.

The lady stood expressionless, her eyes darkening at the sight of your blood, but only briefly as she then looked away. She clenched her teeth, quietly growling out of rage before looking back at you.

"Bela, Cassandra and Daniela....get your miserable asses in here, right now!" she bellowed.

Minutes went by before a swarm of flies surrounded you and the girls appeared right beside you. Instead of heads dropping in shame, they glared at their mother.

"Who's idea was it to disobey me? Again...." asked the lady, her eyes increasingly becoming red with rage.

Daniela looked away, furrowing her brows and pushing her lips out in a pout. Bela crossed her arms looking away as well, but Cassandra kept her glare towards her mother.

Lady Dimitrescu kept a twitching eye on Cassandra before she quickly grabbed a dresser in the room, aiming for her.

Your eyes widened at the sight, you quickly dressed and adjusted yourself, rolling to the other side of the bed as the dresser flew. Daniela and Bela screamed, moving out the way as Cassandra turned into flies as to not get injured, but ended up getting hit in her arm.

"Ow!" cried Cassandra as she fell, holding her arm.

And though the lot were known for their durability in regards to pain, the heavy dresser seemed to have some sort of an affect. "I knew it was you, you selfish, disobedient little cow!" shouted Lady Dimitrescu, "What is this maiden to you? Her undergarments are torn and down to her feet you sick child, what were you doing?!" growled Alcina as she began picking up items near by and throwing them at the three girls, you hid in the corner silently.

"You can't keep her for yourself it's not fair mother it's not!" Cassandra yelled back. "I can't stop drinking I need more of it always!" Cried Daniela. "You never share her, what are we do to with our thirst?! Everything else around here is stale!" snapped Bela.

Resident Evil Village - Maiden x Female lords: Maidens Revenge Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora