31| Waiting

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Chapter thirty one

"Mmm..." you groaned, releasing silent but heavy air from your nose.

You tired your very best to kneel as little as you could possibly manage. Especially with Lady Dimitrescu gripping you at the wrist still.

Sure it was only another one of those pains at your side, and the uncomfortable, messy gush of monthly fluids below, but this time felt, different.

This whole monthly cycle. It felt almost completely and utterly, unordinary and you struggled to understand why. It were for the simple fact that never did your cycles last this long, nor were they ever this painful.

Then again, of course the thought that maybe there wasn't a shocking 'why' to this, floated about in your mind as well.

But these cramps...they were painful, annoying and somehow—in some ways—strangely on cue.

You inhaled a deep and quick breath.

Pull yourself together y/n..

"Oh dear, here you were asking of my health and look at you," hummed Lady Dimitrescu. Her voice hit your ears directly, like a close whisper, calm yet neutral.

It was hard not to jump when facing up, seeing as it looked as though she had been staring down at you for more than seconds.

How long? You did not know.

You hadn't thought much of it, but her sight sent you inhaling sharply from yet another pain at your side.

She let go of your wrist, stretching out her hand instead, "Let me help you, dear." she soothed.

Now feeling increasingly warm and seeing double of the tall countess, you stumbled backwards, finding a nearby seat to collapse in.

"Is this...was this Ingrid? Did she do something to my food?" you breathed heavily.

You blurringly pondered that it could be quite possible.

As the room began to spin, Lady Dimitrescu edged closer.

"Please don't come close," you groaned, blinking multiple times in hopes to regain your original sight, "Did you do this?"

"No, my dear. I...have no idea what is happening to you. Maybe describe your symptoms and perhaps I can help you, truly." regardless of your request, she eased closer, resting her large yet soft hands on your shoulders.

You weren't quite comfortable, but knew you trusted the woman enough to help aid you of—if not all—some of this panic.

Because of this you decided that Alcina would know of what was bothering you.

"My cramps are continuing still. They're from my, well...you know," you cleared your throat lightly before and continuing, "And my head is spinning, I feel very warm. Almost like I drank quite a lot of wine, except I hadn't touched not one bottle before everyone arrived."

"I see. So if that's true, when did this occur?" questioned Lady Dimitrescu. She grabbed a bloodstained portion of your dress, grinning drily as her thumb worked into the desiccated blood spot.

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