32| Time's up

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Chapter thirty two

You hadn't the slightest clue as to what was now happening. A hint of some sort had been spoken amongst the four of those blood sucking women, without words. You knew nothing other than it's unsettling effect it had on you.

Bela's look of unease before scurrying away, gave you no such relief. Instead it left your stomach in a flood of pains, dread creeping through your intestinal insides, pain even the effects of the Alcina's special, aiding drink could not rid of.

You had a bad feeling about this.

Now getting out of your seat with haste, you thought with rising panic. Maybe you shouldn't have said all that you had to her, especially not in the ill condition she happened to be in. Regardless, you found it increasingly hard to know when the lady liked your chatter and when she preferred you silent.

I could've sworn I could say what was on my mind, am I not more than a maiden to her like she said?

No doubt. when it came down to conversations of Ingrid, it all became a new level of irritation. A level of aggravation you barely managed to control.

The overall aim of pleasing Alcina was so that you could continue to secure a spot amongst the living-

It's not my fault, it's Ingrids. You reassured yourself in conflicting anger and worry of your own relationship with Lady Dimitrescu.

-and score your sweet revenge.

You want us to be like a family.. you said

Then the old bird starts wearing my clothes you gave ME...

Suddenly it's 'Respect Ingrid'.. and what about me?

How special am I then? Really?

I swear, you will say anything..

-Yet one maiden—who at first seemed so inapt and unimportant—now appeared to be this woman on Lady Dimitrescu's plinth of valuable, trustworthy maidens.

You knew Alcina would not tolerate your snapping back, you fought not think on your many of foolish reasons for doing so.

I was only being honest.

Though it was hard, your brows and lips shifted with doubt. You tried to shake the thought that Ingrid, above all you believed, brought you out of character.

Me and my big mouth.

Silence masked the unsteady atmosphere for only minutes before it was broken by an impatient voice lingering behind you.

"Now would be a wonderful time to tell me what you were doing upstairs. I thought I gave you clear instructions to stay put with our guests." bluntly uttered Alcina.

With your thumb, you anxiously rubbed the dried blood stains into your sleeve the farther your feet ascended up the stairway.

This time, you didn't stall to tell the truth.

"We wanted to see that man. The one in your room." you muttered, overlapping your bloodstained fingers with angst.

Lady Dimitrescu, she could smell a lie inches away. On you, at least. You wondered how as your heart pattered away subtly, knowing you'd averted another common issue of yours, telling her the truth.

Resident Evil Village - Maiden x Female lords: Maidens Revenge Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora