37| Saved by the bells

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This is technically three chapters. But it's to make up for my late release and also the one for this coming Monday JUST in case I don't deliver ✌︎ 


Chapter thirty seven

Your eyes lit up with instant hope. Was this it? Would you finally know what happened to your father? 

"What about him?! What did you find?!"

You flinched at Ingrids occasional thuds and clanging in the kitchen, every noise making you a little more paranoid each time.

"Not here, come with me, quickly."

Ethan took the notebook by your feet as the two of you swiftly made your exit out, quietly and into the courtyard.

You managed to get a few feet away from the door.

"In here," Ethan flipped the pages rashly until stopping at a page bookmarked with a crows feather.

You nearly snatched the book, scanning each page. There were columns with dates, times and names written down messily.

"I don't get it, what does this have to do with my father?"

Ethan pointed on paper, dragging his finger down rows of names, "You said he was taken, right?"

"Yes?" you nodded with furrowed brows, rushing to follow along.

Your heart bashed against your chest. Being alone with Ethan was surely a fatal risk.

"Can you remember the day? Time of day even?"

You blinked, stuck in thought, trying to make sense of his reasoning, "No...I don't know the exact date, not off the top of my head. But it was night when he left, when he was called on. Midnight."

Ethan sighed doubtingly.

"This is a list of Heisenberg's experiments, people he's taken for them, I'm sure of it. You might want to scan through...see if you find your fathers name."

You felt your heart sink to the pit of your stomach, now imagining the worst. Your fathers fate becoming a drawn out torturous horror until his death, under the hands of some modified mad man.

"I couldn't find anything else, I'm sorry. Plus, I nearly died trying to get this so, you owe me big time...and preferably now." He looks around every part of the courtyard area, growing paranoid.

Ethans voice was a void echo in your ears, your eyes stammered and stung of tears blurring your vision.

Rage seethed deep within you.

"I'm going to kill him. I swear to the gods I will murder him—" you muttered subconsciously.

"Can you maybe stop and focus? I don't have much time, I need that flask." Ethan chimed with an impatient exhale.

You broke.

With your hand now gripping at his neck, you shoved him into the nearby brick wall, your strength built on rage causing him to trip over his feet backwards until he fell down beside the vase by the door.

Resident Evil Village - Maiden x Female lords: Maidens Revenge Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant