17| Pleasant Deception

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Chapter seventeen

You thought while you watched the women drink and converse, seeing as the four of them appeared no different than the average, happy family-or what one would generally look like to you aside from the blood drinking and human slaughtering.

You watched them as they drunk themselves into fatigue. Bela rubbed her eyes, Cassandra yawned and Daniela nodded off in her chair.

"My, look at my girls. Save some room for tomorrow's drinking." chuckled Alcina. "Now, I would say it's time for your slumber." she then stood, graceful in her movements even when intoxicated.

"Yes mother." replied the three, barely in unison.

"Y/n, tend to this disarray, will you?" commanded the giantess.

You stood immediately, "Yes ma'am." you headed over to where they sat, you cleaned the table, placing all cups on the platter as the tall woman walked upstairs along with her daughters.

Once you got to the kitchen, you spent time cleaning nearly every dish down in the kitchen before looking at the rest of the fresh produce you had, calculating how much more you would need for a ball.

It wasn't enough for a four lord feast, perhaps you would find that Duke again.

You stood by the sink in thought, your mistresses distant voice disrupting your thoughts.

"Y/n?" called your lady longingly.

You quickly rushed to the sound of her voice, nearly running into her down the near by hall. Your feet came to a harsh halt as you were in front of her in such short time. She was apparently heading to the kitchen where you were.

"Yes? Is there an emergency?" you asked, wondering why she was coming to you.

She looked at you with an almost shocked expression before releasing a brief chuckle. "Oh, why no...there isn't."

You furrowed your brows, waiting for her to speak. Suddenly, she raised her head, regaining her usual confidence.

"I take it you're finished tidying down here?" she asked.

You briefly looked behind you before nodding, "Yes, miss." you answered before intertwining your fingers together.

"Wonderful, you'll prepare me for my slumber then." she turned quick on her heels, walking away.

You watched as she disappeared into the halls. You couldn't help but find her small exchange of body language and words a little peculiar, but you brushed it off and began following the direction in which your lady went.

You couldn't find the tall woman anywhere but made it back to her room regardless, knocking on the door three times. "Come in." Said Lady Dimitrescu.

You opened the door, looking towards her bed to see the giantess in her night clothing, dressed in all white. She was slightly arched over, clasping her white garters together.

She looked over her shoulder, seeing you before her wine tainted lips curved into a slight smile. Another glass of red wine sat glowing on the mantle where it caught the fires light. She then stood tall, turning to face you.

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