〘Chapter 9〙

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Sadly, he couldn't get out on Friday, but he got out on a warm Sunday morning. Li had helped him pack up all his stuff the evening before he was released, so he could sleep longer in the morning and he had time to showed beforehand. Now, they were in his house, his mum was still out of town once again, to collect some of his clothes which he had left behind. "How about this? This looks nice." He said, holding out a blue hoodie with darker palm trees on it. It had been one of his favourites when he was younger, in middle school. "Sure! Put it all in. How about we take some shorts and a few t-shirts as well? It's getting pretty hot outside." The girl suggested, but he just shrugged. He never wore shirts, well only sometimes, and everytime he did wear shorts, he had a blanket over his legs so he didn't have to risk seeing them. He had only recently found out how he truly looked now, since it had been a while that he saw his whole body in a mirror, and he decided that if he didn't wanna see his arms and legs, no one did. "Hey?" His fiancé put a hand on his shoulder. "You okay bub?" He scoffed. "Bub? Bub?!" A laugh left his mouth, so he covered it with one of his hands. "Yes I'm okay 'bub'!" He mocked and tilted his head back, still laughing. "Sure just pack some of that, I'll be right here." "Nah mate, you're gonna help me." But it was too late, Lix had already sat down on his bed, tears shooting into his eyes as soon as he held blobby, a fat seal plushie from his childhood, in his hands. He pressed it close to his chest and let himself fall down on his mattress, pulling his blanket over his body and resting his head on his pillow. "You're not gonna sleep, are you?" "I don't know, just let me be." He complained. Fox was laying there with open eyes, staring onto the ceiling, decorated with fake wooden planks, which were specked with posters and glow in the dark stars. He was all peaceful, finally being back in his own bed after so long, until he saw a flash. Lina's phone camera. "If you send that to any of my friends I will personally yeet you out of a window." He threatened, then they laughed together for quite a while. After they were done, Felix pushed himself back into his wheelchair and continued packing up some of his stuff. "You can take Blobby too if you want." "Nah I don't wanna risk anyone seeing me with a plushie." "Come on I live down the street. Let me carry it if you don't want to." He agreed on that and gave his favorite stuffed animal to his girlfriend, who hugged it and then flung it into a bag. "Hey treat her with a bit more respect!" Fox scolded in a fake serious voice. "It's a she? I always thought it's a boy." Lina giggled and closed the zipper of the bag. She then went downstairs to put it away so she could help her fiancé down, but he had already started walking to her, holding onto the railing as if his life depended on it. "Do ya need help?" Li offered but he declined. Felix actually ended up being downstairs faster than her, since she went to get his wheelchair, so he 'quickly' made his way into the kitchen to steal some chocolate. Walking had actually become a lot easier and also much less painful after that last chemo last week. Which made sense, since chemo therapy was known for making you feel like shit. Now, he often caught himself forgetting to use his wheelchair, simply because he wasn't in pain anymore. But still, walking wasn't that easy. His muscles were too weak to support him for longer than 5 minutes. Yet, that was much longer than before. He remembered when Chris had come to visit him, he couldn't even take a couple of steps, but now, he was standing in his kitchen, eating chocolate, humming songs in his head. "Heyyy come on~~~! It's so hot outside I wanna go in the pool~!" Li complained out of nowhere, pulling the guy outside. She followed him and still complained he should hurry up a bit. Lix was kinda confused and surprised that Lina had forgotten to bring his wheelchair, but he wasn't gonna complain. Now that he was okay enough to be out of it for some time, he wouldn't wanna be in it still. Out of habit, fox turned around quickly to tell the girl something, but he fell to the ground. "Omg are you okay?" Li asked as she crouched over him and hugged him, already expecting a crying mess to be what she held in her arms. But that wasn't the case anymore. He pushed her away and stood up on his own, wiped the dirt off his pants and smiled down at her. "Yes I'm fine, bub."

His Last Hope part 2 | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) FINISHED!!!Where stories live. Discover now