〘Chapter 21〙

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I'm trying to seperate the chapters into blocks of at least three rows so it's nicer to read. I'm doing this cuz I have noticed that literally everyone writes their stories like this xD however I am just experimenting with this kind of writing rn so it will probably/most definetly change~

Blood. Felix only saw blood. A huge pile of blood. In the middle of it laid a small body with a thin but perfect figure. It seemed as if they had drowned in their own blood.

Lix took a step closer, slowly, as the sight already terrified him. Carefully, he turned the body around so he could look at the face of the girl. When he saw it, he screamed.

He pulled the body on his lap, kissing it's forehead and cradling it back and forth. "Lina wake up..."

Her body was still warm and he could swear he had seen her breathing just a moment ago, she had to be still alive."Lina..." He begged and begged but she wouldn't move.

The door behind him flung open. It hit him in the back but Lix did not care. "she's dead?!" A boy said from behind him, Hoshu.

"She...she.." Felix couldn't say whether or not she was. "It's your fault you idiot! You're her husband you should've known!"

The teenager slapped him right across the face, but again he didn't care, his eyes didn't leave his lover's body. "I love you.. I loved you.."

"Felix?! Hello?!!" Someone shook him awake and he shot up, remembering his anxiety attack and that this all had been just a nightmare.

Chris still had his arms around him while the younger was on his friend's lap being cradled just like Li's lifeless body in his dream.

"I'm back.." Felix mumbled and smiled as Chan sighed, thousand stones falling off of his heart. "Good man. Should we call Lina so you can make sure she's fine?"

And they did. "Hey Chris!" Her sweet sweet voice answered through the telephone. "Li!" "Oh Felix you're there too! Hi honey!" "Baby I had a nightmare where you killed yourself and I just wanna make sure that it wasn't real." He rapidly explained.

"Oh babe calm down! No, it wasn't real darling, as you can hear I'm fine and I won't ever try to kill myself again."

"Yeah because I was stressing out about you coming home and how I hadn't managed to realize-"

"Lixie I'm sorry to interrupt you but maybe you wanna come to me and explain it in person?"

The girl offered and her fiancé accepted. "We'll be on our way." Chan assured and hang up while Felix was already getting ready to leave.

They jumped into the car, drove for 5 minutes and then went straight to Li's room.

She was already waiting for them, of course, since she had invited them. The short girl greeted Felix with a long, big and warm hug, which neither of them wanted to end, but Lix had to finally speak his mind out to her

"So you wanna tell me exactly what happened again?" She asked once they were sitting down on the bed and had their hands intervined.

"Yeah... So because you're going home, I was thinking like 'What if she hurts herself again and I don't notice?' and stuff like that, which triggered another anxiety attack and then I think I passed out and had this dream where you died."

He explained, really calmly in contrast to how he had just blurted it out on the phone. Li smiled and nodded before pulling him on her lap.

And then, Felix brought up the courage to ask her why. Why she attempted suicide.

"I felt like I was drowning in my feelings... You weren't feeling well most of the time and when you were, I felt like I didn't wanna ruin our happy moments. I don't know why I decided on doing it while you were home, but I just did.."

she slowly explained while rubbing her thumb over Felix's cheek, who was just listening carefully.

He was super proud of himself for finally asking and also proud of Li how she talked about it so openly. He could've never done that.

He always just curled up into a ball and refused to talk to anyone if he was hurt so he could bear it on his own.

"I love you babe." Lix said and sat up, kissing his fiancé on the cheek.

"We have another third wheel." Lina said and pointed over to Chris who was doodling on his phone the entire time. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine." The oldest responded, clearly not listening.

They laughed it off, then started packing for when the girl was to be released tomorrow morning.

"Can't I just take you with me right now? Why do you have to stay?" Felix asked, a pout forming on his lips.

"Sorry babe I don't know why I have to stay, but it's only one night I'm sure you can handle it." Li said with a reassuring smile.

"True. I'll just stay over at Chris' place one more night, alright Chan?!" He asked in a playful tone.

"Of course Bokkie!" His best friend replied by using the nickname he had given Felix's quite long Korean name 'Yongbok.'

His Last Hope part 2 | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) FINISHED!!!Where stories live. Discover now