〘Chapter 30〙

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A couple of days later, he did turn out to be fine. Just a bit of bedrest and a doctor's visit, who just confirmed he had cut off a nerve and that it would heal quickly, made everyone much more relaxed.

Lix woke up early, 4:44am. Today was March the 26th. 1 year already... Today was the day that he got hit by a car one year ago. One day before his girlfriend's birthday.

Well, this year they would celebrate together. This year she would have a real "happy birthday". He had something really nice planned for her.

He was going to take her out to a nice Chinese Korean restaurant, they would drink a little bit, since she was 18 now as well, and then they'd go home and have...well let's keep that part for when the time comes.

He fell back asleep, only to be shaken awake what felt like seconds later. Felix felt like he was about to cry, but it couldn't be because he just woke up, it had to be something else.

He opened his eyes really slowly, adapting to the bright light around him. PLEASE NO HOSPITAL!! He begged in his mind and suddenly the tears started flowing down his cheeks.

He felt a warm embrace, but it definetly wasn't Lina, that person was a little more well built than her.

It turned out to be his mother in law, who was trying to shush his cries. "You screamed in your sleep.." She said softly as she brushed through his hair.

"Oh I'm sorry..didn't wanna wake you up." Felix apologised, let go of her and wiped his tears. He wasn't crying or sobbing anymore since the only thing he was afraid of was being at hospital.

"What did you dream of?" His father in law asked. "I don't remember, actually... Where's Li?"

Right then, she Came around a corner, holding a cup of water. When she saw him awake, she put it down and hugged him tightly after sitting down next to him.

"Babe I was so worried... Don't do that ever again Yongbok." She said as her boyfriend rubbed her back, groaning at the name.

"Sorry sweetie... I don't know if it's appropriate to ask right now, but... Can we go to church today? I really miss going...and maybe my mum is there!"

There was a slight shimmer of hope in his voice, which quickly died out, however, as Soojin shook her head.

"Your mum doesn't go to church here anymore. Also, she's in Melbourne right now, probably visiting her boyfriend."

Boyfriend? Ouch. Why didn't he know? Why won't she tell Felix anything?! She shouldn't be scared that he doesn't accept a new man, he couldn't even remember his own father, and Lix loved seeing his mum happy. So why did she keep that from him?

Actually he'd love to meet this guy! He wanted to know who made his mum happy. Since he himself had been kind of a husband for her the past years, he wanted to know who will take his place soon. Maybe he could even get a little sibling again! Maybe a brother this time? Though a sister wouldn't be too bad either..

"Sweetie..?" "I want a baby!" Suddenly, when he realised what he had just said, Lina burst out laughing and kissed Lix's cheek, not being able to say anything.

"Sorry..got lost in my thoughts." Felix explained and pulled the smaller girl closer to embrace her in a warm hug. They were alone again by now.

"It's okay. Hey...you know what was a year ago today..?" His fiance suddenly asked and yes, of course he knew. How couldn't he? "Yupp...I do.."

Lina hugged him tighter, combing through his now a bit longer hair. "Hey honey?" Lix asked and pushed her away a little bit, just so he could look into her dark brown, almost black, eyes. "Yeah?"

"I actually meant that 'I want a baby'... I want a little one, so badly actually." He confessed, and both of their faces blushed in unison. "Uhm...well...once we're both healthy and financially stable, we can try?"

Yes ppl, hello hello, I'm alive :)

His Last Hope part 2 | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) FINISHED!!!Where stories live. Discover now