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(I drew that picture myself hehe)

Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ happy birthday dear Lina~ Happy birthday to you~"

All of her friends, her parents and grandparents sang. It was March 27, Lina's 18th birthday. This birthday should be much different from her last one.

Her 17th birthday was the worst birthday, no, the worst day, she'd ever had. She spent that day at home, just like now, since it was a Saturday last year, ate some birthday soup with her family and then went straight to the hospital to spend a bit of time with her comatosed boyfriend.

But this year, he was with her. Felixwas standing next to her, holding her by the waist and whispering sweet things into her ear with his deep voice. They were amongst the people they loved most, but still, they felt like they were all alone, just enjoying the moment as they cuddled against each other.

„Li, you've gotta cut the cake! Gotta practice for the wedding!" Her mum teased, nudging her and her boyfriend's sides. They smiled and Lix grabbed the knife, looking at his fiancè, waiting for her to also grab it so they could cut it together. Once they seperated one piece, they fed it to each other.


Felix was sitting in his garden, looking through some old photos. Amongst those photos was one from his wedding; it was only a couple of years ago, but he still remembered it as if it was yesterday. He could still remember seeing Lina walk down the aisle to him, her father holding her arm and desperately trying to hide the fat that he was tearing up while giving away his only daughter to her new husband.

„Babe, do you remember how Peter fell into the cake head first?!" He asked his wife, who was sitting on the other side of their rather small garden table, shoving the picture he was referring to towards her.

She smiled and nodded, the memories coming back as soon as Lix mentioned the moment her friend face-planted into their giant and expensive wedding cake. Her parents were quite mad at him for ruining it, but honestly, the newly wed couple only laughed as they saw Jisung sitting on the ground, covered in vanilla cream and bits of cake.

„Has it really been ten years already..?" She asked in disbelief, seeing the date at the bottom of the picture. „Yeah, it has... It's unbelieveable that none of this existed back then.... Look how far we've come. Only because we had each other." Felix explained, looking at his lover.

„Ewww! That'S cringe!" A girl said from behind him, lightly slapping his head before running over to Li, accompanied by a little boy two years younger than her. „Cringe!" He copied and laughed as Felix pulled him onto his lap, ruffling his short black hair.

„If you're gonna be so lovey-dovey then I'm taking the baby with me!" The little girl exclaimed as she ran to her mother, attempting to grab the infant she was holding against her chest. „Grace Sook Lee!" Lix pretended to scold in the most serious dad-voice he could do.

„Sorry dada.." She apologised and kissed the baby's cheek, before getting her forehead kissed by her mother, who she was basically a perfect copy of. She had the same dark eyes, the same dark hair, skinny face and pointed nose, though her lips were definetly her father's.

Her brother on the other hand was just a complete copy of his fater. Jonathan had the same beautiful eyes, same slightly lighter and thinner hair, same face-shape and same lips as his father, however his attitude was 100% the same as his mother, and his personality, too.

For the youngest of the family, Charlitt, it was still not really posiible to tell who she was more like, Felix or Lina, since she was barely 6 months old. However, based on comparing her to her parent's baby pictures, it seemed like she was a perfect mix of both of them, just like her siblings, but she had more of both of them Lina's face shape and hair and Felix's nose and eyes. Of course, all of their kids also ended up having freckles as well. Even the youngest.

„Who's this?" Grace asked as she grabbed one of the photos from the table. „He looks like dada, but in skinnier!" She teased and gave the pic to her dad. Yes, it was him. The photo was from when he just woke up from his coma, when he and his then girlfriend went swimming in the hospital pool.

„Yeah, that's me. Dad didn't feel so good back then, I wasn't healthy as I am now. Which version of dada do you like more?" Everyone immediately agreed that the present Felix was their favorite. „That dad doesn't look like he could play soccer with me!" Johnny complained and slapped his own cheeks with his tiny hands- that were definetly inherited from his father.

„You're right, I couldn't have played soccer with you back then."

„Do you still feel anything from back then?" Grace asked as she rested her chin on her hand. „Dada still has a hearimg aid which he got back then. But enough talking about the past, who wants to go in the pool?" Lina changed the topic, ending with both of her big kids running towards their pool as soon as their mum mentioned it.

She also stood up, handing her smallest child to her husband as she went to play with the others. Felix, being happy and satisfied as he was surrounded by the people he loved most, fell asleep in his garden, Charly on his chest.

So, this book has finally come to an end. I know it has been a whole ass roller-coaster since the beginning, and homestly I'm not the proudest of this book and also not of the first part. Mainly because I did no outline or planning for this story whatsoever and because my writing used to be quite a lot worse when I started writing this story. However I hope that there's some people somewhere out there in the deepest depths of Wattpad that stumbled across this series and decided to read it, maybe also until the end. Thank those who stuck around again for making my days just a bit better when I saw my books getting more reads. I don't write for views or votes, but I'm grateful for everyone that reads it ,regardless of my reason for writing.  The end came a bit sudden, just because I was trying to finish this chapter and decided that it wasn't worth it to continue this story. Nothing is set in stone yet, but I've been interested in writing a Felix oneshot collection, or maybe a planned, better written book than this one. I hope you stick around to see what's gonna happen. Ily all <3

His Last Hope part 2 | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) FINISHED!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora