〘Chapter 12〙

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"Dad get out!" Lina playfully scolded her dad and pushed him out of the room, laughing. Felix followed the two downstairs, looking to steal some chocolate. But he was distracted by one of Li's cats, Dami, which he had helped to buy two years ago. He picked her up from the dresser she was sitting on and gave her a few cuddles. He was the only one that could cuddle the little cat like that. She would always scratch, especially when Jaeseol, Li's dad, tried to pick her up. Lix carried Dami into the kitchen and started looking for some cat food. By the time he had found it, his girlfriend had brought him something. Crutches. "Thanks..." It were the ones Phil had made for him, and even though he was super grateful, he wouldn't ever use them. Sure, it made walking less painful, but it didn't hurt anymore. He didn't need crutches anymore. A lot of people said that using crutches helped them walk longer distances, but for Felix it was actually a lot more exhausting. "Can you promise me that you'll use them?" Li asked. "I'm not gonna. Neither promise nor use them, I'm sorry." Silence. "It'll be easier for you to walk, you won't be in pain." "But it doesn't hurt now." He protested. "Li, honey, I just got out of the wheelchair and as you can see, I can walk! I'm fine. I don't need the crutches." Lix said, went up to her and kissed her forehead before continuing to search for some chocolate. "I feel really uneasy when I see you standing like that..." The girl said from behind him. "Don't think I'm not happy seeing you like this, I really am, but I got so used to the new Felix, it'll take a while to adjust to the old Felix again..." Old Felix? New Felix? "What do you mean..?" "I've only seen you in hospital beds and wheelchairs for 9 months now, and suddenly you're back to old. It's nothing bad, I'm really really happy, but.. I don't know it feels weird to me." She said and went through her own hair. Lix turned around and hugged the girl, holding her close again. "You'll get used to it. I'm also new to all of this. Actually, I gotta sit down for a minute." He collapsed in front of a chair, barely clinging onto the table to try and support himself. "Sweetie c'mon go over to the couch." He nodded and waddled over to the living room, where Li's mum was. She was the sickest out of all of them, so she was resting on the couch. Lix just sat down on the floor and rested his back against the sofa. "babe?" He called out for Li. "Mh?" "Can I get the wheelchair? It's too hard to walk right now." He asked. Even though he didn't really want to be in it, he just had to.
Later at the dinner table, it was like every other day. Li and her parents were speaking Korean and Felix was just sitting with them and eating his food without even saying a word. He hated this situation so much he'd even considered starting to learn Korean. His mum would be happy, that was for sure. Did he really wanna learn the language of the country he was originally from, yet had no connection to? Somehow, yes. Since he knew a couple of broken words, he tried saying something. "음악 좋아! (I like the music)" he said and Soojin, his mum in law, looked at him a bit confused. "Honey I think you mean 음식,it means food. 음악 Is music." Lina said and chuckled, her boyfriend trying to repeat it. "음식 좋아! (I like the food)" "Your pronounciation is good!" Soojin said and clapped. "박수 박수! (Clap clap)" She explained and he repeated. Lix felt a kiss on his cheek and looked over to his smiling girlfriend. "You're so cute Yongbok!" This name again. But it didn't bother him anymore, to be honest. He got kinda used to it after Chris kept addressing him with his Korean name, refusing to just call him 'Felix' like everyone else. "Can I take off my shirt? I feel really hot." Lix asked as he suddenly felt sweat collecting on his forehead. "You've probably got a fever." Jaeseol noticed and got up to get a thermometer.

His Last Hope part 2 | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) FINISHED!!!Where stories live. Discover now