〘Chapter 11〙

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(it's gonna come up in this chapter so I'll just say it now: Felix with a buzz cut is damn hot🥵😵)
A couple of days at home went by, and both Lina and Felix managed to catch a cold from Hoshu when they had met the dance team, who were all also sick now. At first, Felix didn't even notice he was sick, since the aftermaths of his pneumonia were similar to the symptoms of a cold, so he assumed it was only that. But when his friends, Li and Li's parents suddenly started coughing and sneezing, and he also started sneezing, he knew it wasn't just his damaged lungs. Nope, he got a full blown cold. They went to their pediatrician to get Lix checked, but since he was feeling pretty normal and the Parks had some fever meds at home in case he really developed a fever, he just got an oxygen mask and canister, just in case, and went home. No big deal, luckily. "Ah fuck I feel terrible." Li complained. She was on her bed while her boyfriend was on her beanbag, since that was way more comfortable for some reason. "I don't feel great either." Lix responded and went through his fuzzy hair with his hand, only to pull out more than ever before. "Oh no that's a lot." The girl said, looking at his hand from which the dark locks that covered his head fell. He just sat there, staring at it too. If he could put it back on? Like with glue? "Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it." His girlfriend stated and grunted. It was almost as if she could read minds, since she always knew exactly what he was up to. "I don't know.. maybe I could buy a wig? I mean if I dye my hair now it'll probably all be out in a day or two, so that would be a lot of wasted money. Maybe I should just shave it, but now that I'm out of the hospital and meeting up with the boys more often I don't wanna be bald. Who knows if my hair is ever gonna grow back like it was?" Fox explained. He was genuinely scared of being bald. What if it looked stupid? He knew lots of people with buzz cuts, but he also knew that he wouldn't rock that hairstyle like the others he's had.  "Don't think about it, let's just shave it." Lina said and stood up, looking at him with an encouraging smile. "Oof Oki let's do it." He stood up and followed her into the bathroom. Felix took his phone and took a picture, which he sent to his friends with the caption 'last time you'll see me like this for a while'. "I don't wanna shave it." He said and ran out of the bathroom once Lina had gotten her dad's shaver. She followed him and leaned on the doorframe, arms crossed. "Lix look," she started, "either we cut it and you're gonna have really short hair for one or two months, or you're gonna have bald spots until everything comes out. What do you think looks worse?" He couldn't decide. What looked worse? Patchy hair or no hair? "We don't have to make you completely bald, I'll leave a centimetre on. And I'll throw you in the sun for a couple hours, vitamin D helps with hair growth." Felix sat down in the bathroom again and watched in the mirror as his girlfriend cut off his dark brown locks. He felt like he could cry. His hair had been his only pride for so long. Hey, maybe this could mean change in his life as well. New hairstyle, new luck. "Hey look it fits you so well! You look damn hot babe." Li said and hugged him. But he still somehow didn't like it. He already missed his hear. I'll have to wear beanies and hoodies and shit now. Lix thought and sighed, biting his bottom lip. "No don't be sad. You look good!" Li said and kissed his now almost bald head. "Yeah it looks good. It looks good." He repeated and then smiled. "It's not as ugly as I thought. But you can't play with my hair anymore now." Lix realised and pouted, but his girlfriend just laughed and put her hand on his head again. It felt super weird, having someone touch his scalp like that, skin-on-skin.  "Just grow it a bit longer again and then we can dye it. But show your friends first! They're gonna love it!"

Da Boysss

Mr Seastar
Huh what why?

R U dyeing Ur hair already?

Mr Seastar
Oh right I totally forgot

No not exactly..

Then what?

I shaved it😅


I log on to see this✨✨

Awww thx💙

Dude it looks
great on U!

Mr Seastar
It does! I could've
never imagined
seeing U look this
good with a buzz cut😉

Yeah tbh I was scared
that it looks ugly but it
turned out okay I'd say

Lix it's more than
'okay'! It looks

First of all U
look great

Thx mate

Second of all
Ur hair will grow
back like it was in
like 3 months (ik
you loved Ur hair)

I already know😂
(You're right💙)

Mr Seastar
Dude why do U send
hearts? Like, c'mon, you're
a boy

Just cuz U don't have a
heart doesn't mean that
Lix can't send hearts

Yeah just let him be


"Well everyone says I look great!" Felix happily said and hugged his girlfriend. She laughed and placed a kiss on his cheek before hugging him back. They started to slowly dance to a tune that could only be heard in their heads. Again, the whole world seemed to stop spinning for a second, everything stopped for a second, just for the both of them. They didn't see anything other than each other's faces and didn't feel anything else than each other. Couldn't hear anything but their heartbeats, that would soon become three...

His Last Hope part 2 | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) FINISHED!!!Where stories live. Discover now