〘Chapter 25〙

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Lina helped Felix clean everything up, since he had cum all over himself, his shirt and the bed, since she didn't like swallowing. Lix understood, he wasn't gonna force her to do anything.

Now, he was just sitting there, resting and trying to not feel bored.




What's your hair
Looking like?

Like this..?

Oh ok. You know,
I promised everyone
to say nothing but
long hair is better
for you

Yeah I know.. I
wasn't happy when
I cut it but I'll let
it grow back

You're pretty
ugly with it tbh

Ok..thx for letting
me know I guess?

You're welcome
someone had to
tell you at some

Well actually
I don't think it's
the hair, your
face is the

Mark honestly what's
your goddamn problem?
I thought you were
my best friend what
in God's name happened
to you?

Woah calm down.
The others
are just lying to you
by keeping quiet and
telling you you look
'good'. I'm your friend,
I'm telling you the
truth. You're hideous.



Even though Felix knew Mark was just trying to make him feel bad so the older one could feel better about himself, it still hurt.

When Lina came back from cleaning up everything, he pulled her on the bed and started crying onto her chest.

It wasn't like he believed he was ugly anymore, and especially not now that he had gotten a big boost of confidence from Li, but the insults still hit him like daggers.

He didn't tell her what he was crying about, and she wasn't asking either. She was just there for him and was basically just his own body pillow.

He was so scared this would trigger another anxiety attack, that it started happening almost automatically and he started hyperventilating.

"H-honey...h-h-help.." he begged, his voice all cracking. "What should I do to help you?" She asked softly and Felix started crying harder. He was terrified.

"T-the...s-same...thing..." he wanted to tell her to just do the same thing as she did the first time, but now it was too late.

The same voices as always took control over his whole body and he was 'drowned', everything around him going muffled so he had to focus on the voices.

"He's right you're hideous" "you should just die" "someone so ugly shouldn't have been born" they said to him, and he felt like he was dying. These words hurt so much.

"That's...n-not true.." He protested and heard something from Li, which he understood as "You're right, tell them!"

A minute, which felt like hours, later the voices faded away and Lix was thrown back into reality, smiling for some reason.

"Hey smiley boy?" His girlfriend's voice was the first thing he heard, which made him wanna smile even wider, but by now that wasn't even possible.

"Hiiii!" He said and giggled like a little child. Lina couldn't resist and also laughed a tiny bit.

"What're you so smiley about darling?" She asked as Felix sat up and looked back down at her.

"Well these stupid motherfuckers who lie to me are gone. And it's one less anxiety attack that I have to go through!" He cheered and almost felt like partying out of joy.

"Yesss baby! I love your mindset!" The girl cheered as well and also sat up, hugging her boyfriend's arm tightly.

"Do you want me to have a talk with mark or just ignore him? He's enlisting soon anyway. Honestly honey, if you were to ask me, I'd cut contact with him for now. He's caused how many? 3? Anxiety attacks in two days. You should really consider breaking contact."

His Last Hope part 2 | A Lee Felix FF (sometimes 18+) FINISHED!!!Where stories live. Discover now