Chapter 26

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It's been a while since Mayumi rode like this, not worrying about keeping an eye forward. There was more freedom for her to do what she want. She looked at the scenery around her. There wasn't really anything to look at since it was winter. Without the leaves on the branches, she could see further out the trail.

Kyoto rarely has heavy snow, only flurries. If any snow fell on the ground, it would melt in a couple of hours or so.

While they took a water break by the creek, Mayumi sighed, "I wish it was snowing, it would've make the trail look pretty instead of all-"

There was a loud bang echoing in the forest.

"That sounded like a......" The sound rang in her ear leaving a constant pitch in her head, "......a gun."

"It is hunting season," Akashi pointed out.

Mayumi didn't know how to react......she hasn't heard that sound since.........when she used one.

Was she scared? Possibly. Although she made a big step to heal from the traumatic past, the memories never go away. The fear she felt back then was starting to creep up over her.


His voice snapped her thoughts off, "Oh! Gomen! It's just that....the sound.....I haven't heard it incident....." she was quiet for a moment, "Gomen.....I don't know how or what I'm feeling and thinking after-"

Akashi placed his hand on her cheek, "You're alright," his thumb gently rubbed on her cheek, "I won't let anything happen to you."

Hearing those words be said with sincerity was so warming and comforting to hear. She did feel scared after hearing the gun, but it went away. Feeling his hand pull away, Mayumi also felt the warm go away. She unconsciously hugged him not wanting the warmth to leave her.

"This Akashi is warm....." her voice was muffled in his chest. The warmth engulfed her as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. They stayed like that for a long moment.

Mayumi admittedly liked it.


Mine's phone rang, it was Hiro. The fearless girl jump away from her own phone as it rang.

Yumi took upon herself to answer the call and hold it against Mine's ear. The receiver of the call had to talk, "M-Moshi moshi? Oh, yeah...You're welcome! You do? That's great! Hai, Merry Christmas to you too! Bye!"

After the call, she chased Yumi around the house trying to get back at her doing that.


The New Year came and school was back in session of the winter break.

After the morning council meeting Akashi called her name, "Mayumi."

"Hai?" She replied cleaning up her vice president desk.

"Join the boys basketball club as a manager."

A small laugh came out of her breath from the sense of Deja Vu from the first day of the school year, "Is that an order?"

The question put a smirk on his face, "I can make it into one if that's what you wish."

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