Chapter 31

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Kayano Taro

He was very annoyed that Akashi was sleeping in his little sister's room. His eyebrow twitched at the sight of them sleeping on the same bed. At least they weren't cuddling.....they fell asleep in opposite directions. But their faces were too close and that didn't satisfy the boundaries Taro set in his mind.

He reached his hand to gently lift his sister away from the man and position her properly on her bed. Suddenly his wrist was grabbed stopping his attempt. Akashi woke up, "Don't touch her."

Oh, that pissed him off, "You-" Mine pulled him out of the room before he woke up the sleeping girl. The moment she let him go, he raged, "How dare he say such a protective line against me! I'm her brother! I should be saying that to him!"

Mine tried to calm him down, "Taro-sama, Akashi is a noble man. He won't harm her nor let anyone or anything harm her."

"How can you be so sure about that?!"

She happily told him, "We agreed that his heart will be ripped out if he messed up. Whether it be by me or him."

The sadistic agreement was terrifyingly enough validation for him, "Oh god......." He groaned in frustration, "I can't believe my sister has a boyfriend! He's going to take her away from me!"

"You'll always be her brother. You two are always there for each other when you two need it."

Somehow those words comforted him. He already lost one sister, he would do anything to prevent loosing the remaining one.

The fact Akashi woke up just to prevent him from disturbing his sister's slumber showcases the amount of protection he can give. The thought frustrated Taro, but it was the truth.

"I guess that Akashi can be Yumi-chan's boyfriend....." he muttered.

Kayano Mayumi

Mayumi felt heat touching her forehead. When she opened her eyes, the same heat rushed to her face. "I fell asleep so close to his face!!" She held her forehead feeling embarrassed.

But the temperature.....her hand went on Akashi's forehead, it was burning hot. Akashi was having a fever. There was already a blanket placed on him. Mayumi removed the one on her and placed over the sick man, she placed the blazer on top.

She rushed to the kitchen to grab medicine. Her parents and brother were up. Taro was about to leave for Tokyo, her father was going on a business trip, and her mother was going to meet up with a client about a project. Now that the holiday was over, it's all back to work.

Yumi greeted them before they left with a hug wishing them safe travels. Her parents left to load the car as Taro stayed behind, "How was your birthday?"

A genuine smile appeared on her face with the flashbacks, "It was perfect." She hugged her brother, "Thank you for your gift and for being here for me like always."

That broke her brother into tears, "Yumi-chan! Of course I'll be here for you!!" His hug was tight. Leaving, he shouted back, "If you need anything, call me!" His overly protective side came out, "Kick that Akashi out the moment he wakes up!"

She couldn't tell him or her parents that Akashi was sick, ".....Sure thing!" She put her thumbs up to satisfy her brother's words.

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