Chapter 28

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Mibuchi asked Yumi if she wanted to make chocolates with him for Valentine's Day. "Come on, Yumi-chan! If Sei-chan said he'll accept mine, then he'll definitely accept yours!"

"I said I'll do it, Mibuchi-senpai, we'll make it in my house," Yumi already planned to make chocolates. Well, for everybody: For the basketball team, the kyūdō team, Mine, her brother, her parents, even all the servants.

This was just a tradition she did with her sister every Valentines was how she celebrated her birthday.

So far that Yumi knew, Mine was the only one in school who knew her birthday was on Valentines Day. She couldn't bring it up to Akashi, her own boyfriend. Why? Well......maybe she didn't want him to know. Giving Valentines chocolates was enough of a celebration, even though it technically wasn't for her.

Because it was a romantic holiday, her mother was getting busy with Valentine orders. "I'm sorry for being busy, my little ruby," she caressed her daughter's face.

"At least you're here this year," Yumi assured, "That's the best birthday gift you can give me."

Her mother smiled, "Don't worry, once your birthday comes, all my orders should be finished and delivered!"


Valentine's Day and Yumi's birthday was coming up.

"NeNe-chan, go," Yumi told her friend to accept Hiro's invitation to a party.

"Are you sure?"

Yumi argued her decision, "It's Valentine's Day! You should spend it with your crush!"

"But it's your birthday!"

"You said it's in the evening, right?" Yumi asked, "Spending the day with me is enough."

"But....who will be with you?"

Yumi assured, "I won't be alone, otousan, okaasan and nii-san will be here."

"Not Akashi?"

Yumi pursed her lips from the mention of his name. "Yumi-sama, you haven't told him?"

"No....not yet." For some reason, Yumi didn't want Akashi to know about her birthday. The fact she didn't talk about it with him gave a little hope that he didn't know.


Yumi, Mine, and Mibuchi were making chocolates. Since Valentine's Day was on a Saturday, they were making chocolates to give on Friday.

"Sugoi, Yumi-chan!" Mibuchi praised, "You seem to know a lot about making chocolate!"

There was a sad wave that hit Yumi with that compliment. "Arigatou, Mibuchi-senpai. I have been making chocolates every year for Valentine's Day."

"Really? Why?"

Yumi could tell Mine tensed up and looked at her concernly. She vaguely told the vice captain, "It was how my sister and I celebrated the holiday."

Mibuchi got the gist, "Oh my! My apologies! I didn't mean to remind you of that! How careless of me!" He tried to change the topic, "Let's not talk about that anymore. So, what are your plans for Valentine's Day?"

Yumi shrugged trying to the topic out of her head, "Probably just staying home and spend time with my family. I might go riding during the day."

"So you have nothing planned for the night?"


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