Chapter 5

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After a week of working on this statement for my business class, I have finally finished it. This was the most I have actually worked on something for school. My other classes are fairly easy for me because I've always excelled in school, but this, this statement for my marketing project could possibly secure a position for me at a company or possibly an internship during the summer. If I can get a job on my own without needing my dads help, I'll be set. It's Wednesday, so tomorrow is when I'll be giving my statement to Professor Wolfe.

He better like it because I worked my ass off on it.

I get off my bed and start putting on my shoes to go meet up with Kate at the student center to get food. She asked me to meet up with her because she wanted to talk to me something and it sounded serious. Which isn't Kate. Kate's always carefree and joyful, sometimes bitchy and sarcastic, but never sad or serious. Unless she was good at hiding it.

Walking across the street and entering the student center I spot Kate. She waves me down and I make my way over to her. She still has that joyful smile but it doesn't quite meet her eyes. What the fuck happened?

"Hey, are you okay?" I sit down and put my bag on the empty chair next to me.

"You want some fries?" She asks me quietly, shoving the bin of fries in front of me. I look down at it then back up to her. She looks so sad. I don't fucking like it.

"Kate what's wrong?" I push the bin back to her and gave her my undivided attention.

She sighs and looks down, "It's Adam." she sniffs, "He's been acting weird ever since we came back from that Alpha Sigma party last week. I don't want to think it, but I feel like he may have cheated on me." She's now covering her face with her hands, shaking.

I swear I will cut off his dick if he cheated on her.

I take a deep breath and say, "You don't know that for sure, Kate. He loves you. Have you talked to him yet?"

"No, I don't want to know if I'm right." She looks back up to me with red eyes.

I want to punch something.

"God, I probably sound like such a whiny bitch right now. I'm probably just overreacting ." She starts to laugh that sad laugh. She's trying to seem strong, but I can tell she's second guessing herself.

God, I hope she isn't right. This will crush her. Her and Adam have been together since she was a junior in high school and he was freshman in college. Adam even said that he would go to New York with her if she actually decided to go to school there. And this will crush me because then I would have to kill the guy and I'm not ready to have a death on conscience.

"You know what sounds good right now?" I ask, raising my eyes brows.


"Ramen noodles and a marvel marathon" I wiggle my brows and bite my bottom lip to keep from smiling like an idiot.

That sad expression on her face immediately shifts to happy and she starts to get up from her seat clapping. "I'll get the noodles. You'll get the first movie ready!" She said excitedly before running off to a corner to store to grab the noodles.

I laugh to myself and start heading to our dorm room to get the movie marathon going.
After my business class finished, Dean tried waiting for me but I told him to go ahead without me because I had to talk to the Professor. Dean has been making me somewhat uncomfortable lately, so I've been keeping my distance. I don't know what's gotten into him. I start walking up to Professor Wolfe's desk and I can see that he sees me coming but is still face down looking through papers. Once at his desk, I speak.

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