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"Wake up bayyaa,you will be late for office" Noor,my baby sister did the job that she is best at-waking me up every morning.
"It's Sunday Noor,let me sleep please!" I bellowed hoping I'd be successful.
"Ok, I forgot but get up,breakfast will be done soon and you need to buy my favorite ice cream before 11 am!" She is fifteen years old for your info but she thinks she is seven.
All my efforts will end up being futile so i had to get up to please this spaghetti of a sister.

I maneuvered to the bathroom and was about to enter when a sharp voice shrilled through the air

"Bathroom Duaaa!" Ohh Noor!
I did as she said. I spent forever in the bathroom but guess what,Noor is still waiting for me in my room,that's how patient she can be.

"Leave my room Noor" she smiled sheepishly and gained herself a correct sitting posture.
"Pleassssse!" I begged my little princess.
This time,she got up and left. I was going to say Alhamdulillaah when her small head popped in between the door and the wall
"Will be back in five minutes..."
"Inn shaa Allaah" we both said it together and peace reigned.

I am Mahmud Jamal,the CEO of Jamal enterprise. I am the eldest son of this family and I am living with my dad and baby sister Noor. We lost our mum after the birth of Noor due to certain sicknesses and the pain of childbirth. It was a very sad moment for both me and Dad and I personally will never forget that day. I was just seven years old. Since then,Dad has been our mum and dad. And i also kept Noor so close that you can see she is addicted to me.

I clad myself in my morning clothes and headed downstairs before Noor will come again.

I met dad and Noor waiting for me to start having breakfast.
"As'salaamu alaikum Dad" he passed me a smile with a reply to my salaam and we started eating. Not before Noor shouted Bismillaah in an attempt to remind me,this girl thinks i don't have a memory to use in remembering things.

It's Sunday and a free day,after breakfast,i will have to visit my friends and have a little peace of mind and a break from all work.
I got ready in a jiffy and was closing the door to my room when a short figure jumped a little and pulled my ears,huh Noor!
"Will you leave without giving me my ice cream?" I actually forgot.
"No i won't,let's go together then and we'll pass by the mini market and get enough ice cream for both of us" I proposed. Her face beamed buh got back dull.
"I can't leave Dad alone at home" daddy's girl
"Dad is going for an important and an unusual meeting" I gave her a toothy grin which did not last long because she grabbed my neck and pulled me to her level all in the name of hugging me.
"I wonder why your height failed to grow"I muttered underneath my breath and made sure she did not hear me.


"As salaamu Alaikum waRahmatullaah waBarakaatuh dude." Noor started bonding with her best stolen bestfriend,Umarr.
I paid no heed to what they were saying. I made my way inside and greeted mum and dad(Umar's) and came out to meet them laughing.
"Umarr,I am going back home" I feigned sadness
"Ohh Bro,don't be jealous...share your bestfriend with your sister...simple!" They both smiled and I took my seat.
"How is everything?" Umarr's life has been a living hell since their neighbour's son got married,he finds it difficult to move out for the society calls him the loser,i mean...what does not getting married has to do with being a loser? Luckily for him,both his parent's are in support of him and that's what even matters.
"Alhamdulillaah,just in search of a wife" he chuckled
"I will get you one soon" Noor jabbered
"Then i will wait for you to bring me a cute wifey" Umarr played along.

We had a wonderful day and got back home before maghrib,Noor has to study and I need to go to bed early too.


After Fajr prayer,i decided not to go back to bed anymore and prepared for office. There is a lot of pending work and i also need to visit some Government schools to give out gifts to cute innocent kids,well that's my favorite part of my job.

I drove myself to office in my taxi-like might think it's too cheap for a whole CEO buh i love my life being Lowkey. I was about to reach my destination when my phone beeped.

_You dared to go to office without saying salaams to Noor,meet me home after office inn shaa Allaah!_

She has all the drama needed in a mother,she has the exact nature that mom got but her small size makes it all so funny.

"Morning Sir" greetings flowed in the air like always and i made sure to smile back to every single employee. Umarr said that's what makes me the favorite to all my female employees,i just consider him uttering gibberish.

"Zariah,please take these files to my office" I ordered my PA and headed to the cafetaria to get myself some delicate meals for is going to be really hectic!


Alhamdulillaah! I am done with my office work and my back hurts right now but there is one last thing on the list.

"Sir,the students of Shariah senior school are eagerly waiting for your arrival" Zariah announced and I nodded whilst packing my stuff.

I arrived at the school at about 15 minutes late and parked my car at the gate.
I went in and greeted the principal. I was later sent to one of the various classrooms to give some motivational speech and i was glad about that. I brought a huge sum of money for the students but let's keep the amount a secret,Allaahu A'alam.

I greeted the students and said the necessary stuff that i believed will be important for the kids. Immediately I was done,the bell rang for the kids to go home.

Out of all the students,there was a girl who interested me a lot. I felt attached to her without even knowing her. She was so different from the other students.
I walked parallel to her and followed her steps. She turned to me and smiled. With the look of things,she likes my personality.
"Hey Sir?" She gave a questioning smile.
"Is your name Serena?" I asked
"No,why?" She giggled.
"You act so serene" She giggled again
"Well Sir,I am Ayesha Haqqiy"...she looks more like Ayesha Jamal!

*As salaamu Alaikum dear readers,how is this episode?*
*What's your say on Ayesha and Mahmud's connection?*


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